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Shalita, or Surkaria II, is the second planet in the Surkaria system of the Sagittarius Arm of the Milkyway Galaxy. It is the homeworld of the Shilizal and boasts a unique environment that is both beautiful and harsh. The planet is home to vast seas, towering mountains, and sprawling deserts that stretch as far as the eye can see.   One of the most striking features of Shalita is its two moons, Kurkora and Gurda. These celestial bodies hang in the sky like shimmering jewels, casting a soft glow over the planet's surface. The Shilizal believe that these moons hold great power and significance, and they have built many temples and observatories to study their movements. Despite its natural beauty, life on Shalita is not easy. The planet's climate is harsh and unpredictable, with fierce storms and extreme temperatures that can make survival a constant struggle. The Shilizal have adapted to these conditions, building elaborate cities, and developing advanced technologies to help them thrive in this challenging environment.


Shalita has a diverse and varied geography, ranging from vast deserts to towering mountains. Its surface is made up of six continents: Ahkura, Durc, Whakura, Quona, Yutara, and Ebkana. Each continent has its own unique characteristics and landscapes. The planet's gravity is 24.957 meters per second squared.   One of the most prominent features of Shalita's landscape is its vast deserts, which cover 35% of the planet's surface. These deserts are home to extreme temperatures and harsh winds that can make survival difficult. They are characterized by vast stretches of sandy dunes, rocky outcroppings, and deep canyons that carve through the landscape. In contrast to the deserts, there are also large mountain ranges on Shalita. These mountains can reach heights of up to 32,800 feet and are known for their jagged peaks and treacherous terrain. Some of the highest peaks are Mount Zakra in Durc and Mount Mokra in Whakura.   Aside from deserts and mountains, Shalita also has expansive plateau regions that stretch across its surface. These flatlands are dotted with small lakes and rivers and provide fertile terrain for farming and agriculture. The largest plateau is located in Yutara and covers an most of the continent. Another significant feature on Shalita's geography is its extensive network of caverns and underground tunnels.   Shalita also has several bodies of water, including oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers that make up around 30% of its surface. The largest ocean is the Surkarian Ocean, lying between the continents of Quona and Ebkana. Known for its deep blue waters teeming with alien flora and fauna, it is a significant source of food for the Shilizal. The ocean also features coral reefs that host a vibrant ecosystem below its surface. Several large rivers snake across the continents, providing vital sources of fresh water. The Hekoru River in Ahkura is the most extensive, carving its way through deep valleys.


Shalita's climate is as diverse as its geography, with extreme temperatures and unpredictable weather patterns. The planet experiences a wide range of climates, from the searing heat of its vast deserts to the frigid cold of its towering mountains.   The majority of Shalita is classified as having a semi-arid climate, characterized by high temperatures during the day and cooler temperatures at night. This is particularly true for the expansive desert regions where temperatures can reach up to 56 degrees Celsius during the day and drop below freezing at night. Sandstorms are common in these areas, creating a harsh and challenging environment.   In contrast to its desert regions, the mountainous regions of Shalita are significantly colder. The high altitudes and thin air make these areas inhospitable and frigid, with temperatures often dropping below freezing. The mountains are typically covered in snow throughout the year, with frequent blizzards posing challenges for any who dare to venture into these regions. Avalanches are a deadly threat in the steep mountainous slopes and deep valleys.   The plateau regions of Shalita have a temperate climate, with more moderate temperatures compared to the deserts and mountains. These areas experience seasonal changes, with warm summers and cool winters. Rainfall is moderate but can be heavy during the rainy season.

Biodiversity and conservation

Shalita is home to a diverse array of flora and fauna, thanks to its unique climate and geography. The planet's high gravity has also played a significant role in shaping the evolution of life on its surface. One of the most notable features of Shalita's biodiversity is its large fauna, including massive creatures like the Ahkuraan sandworms, Whakuran thunderbeasts, Yutarrian saltbenders, and Ebkanan sky serpents.   These animals have adapted to their respective environments and play important roles in their ecosystems. In addition to these large animals, Shalita also has a vast array of smaller creatures that are equally fascinating. From tiny insects to colorful birds and reptiles, each species has found a way to survive and thrive on this harsh planet. Many of these species have unique characteristics that make them well-adapted to their specific environments.   The flora on Shalita is just as diverse as its fauna. Each continent boasts a variety of plant life. The high gravity has led to the evolution of these plants, spreading out across the surface of the dirt rather than reaching towards the sky, their roots digging deep for holdfast against the violent weather patterns. The desert regions are dominated by hardy cacti-like plants that store water in their thickened stems and leaves. Certain species have evolved to have spiny surfaces to deter predators from consuming them.   In contrast, the mountainous regions are adorned with flowers that bloom in the harshest of winter conditions, their petals a vibrant contrast against the stark white snow. These flowers have a unique mechanism wherein they draw warmth from the sun and then store it, allowing them to survive in the sub-zero climate.   The plateau regions are home to a wide variety of vegetation including grasses, and shrubs. The fruits of these trees serve as a significant food source for many Shalita species. Shalita's complex cave systems contain an array of unique plant species as well. These include fungi, lichens, and mosses that have developed to grow in near-complete darkness, sustained by the rich nutrients in the soil and absorbing moisture from the underground environment. Despite its harsh natural conditions, Shalita has a balanced ecosystem. Every creature and plant has a role to play in maintaining this delicate balance.

Known residents

The only known intelligent species to inhabit Shalita are the Shilizal, a proud and honorable saurian species. They have long been the dominant species on the planet and have established a thriving society on each of Shalita's continents.   Shilizal society is highly structured and hierarchical. At the top are the kings, who hold absolute power and are considered divine figures by their people. Below them are warriors (known as citizens) who hold positions of power in government, military, and other essential roles. Non-citizens, including women and children, work for the benefit of all but have limited opportunities for advancement. And at the very bottom of this social order are slaves, typically prisoners of war or lower-class non-citizens who have fallen out of favor with their superiors. Despite this strict social structure, there is a strong sense of community among the Shilizal. They value honor, loyalty, and bravery above all else and will go to great lengths to protect their kin and homeland. They also have a deep respect for their ancestors, with many rituals and traditions centered around honoring them.

Culture and society


Shilizal economy is highly focused on their military, which is the backbone of their economy. The five kings who rule over the six continents of Shalita place a strong emphasis on conquering other worlds and expanding their empire. This provides new resources and fertile land for their ever-growing population. As a result, Shilizal economy heavily relies on agriculture and conquest.   Farming is a crucial aspect of Shilizal life as there is not enough fertile land on Shalita to sustain their entire population. Each continent specializes in growing different crops depending on their climate and terrain. However, farming alone cannot sustain the entire Shilizal population. This is where conquest comes into play. The Shilizal have developed advanced technology that allows them to travel through space and conquer other planets to obtain new resources and land. They have a reputation for being fierce warriors, making them a formidable force in the galaxy.   Despite this aggressive approach to obtaining resources, the Shilizal economy still values trade with other worlds. However, this trade is highly regulated by the five kings who fear outside influences may weaken their government. As such, only certain goods are allowed to be imported or exported from Shilizal-controlled territories. One interesting aspect of Shilizal society is its use of slaves and non-citizens for labor purposes. This stems from the fact that most male citizens spend their lives as warriors, leaving little time for other pursuits. Slaves are typically prisoners of war or lower-class non-citizens who have fallen out of favor with their superiors. They perform menial tasks such as farming, construction, and mining, freeing up Shilizal citizens for more important matters.


The government of Shalita is a coregency monarchy, meaning that the power is shared among multiple rulers. In this case, there are five kings who rule over all six continents of Shalita. This form of government was established thousands of years ago when the five clans that inhabited Shalita united under a common goal to expand their empire and ensure their survival.   The five kings hold absolute power and are responsible for all aspects of governance in Shalita. This includes military strategy, economic policies, law enforcement, and diplomacy with other worlds. It is believed that this form of government provides a balance of power and prevents any one king from becoming too dominant.   To assist them in making informed decisions, the kings are advised by a council of highly esteemed clan elders. These elders are chosen for their wisdom, experience, and loyalty to the crown. They serve as the voice of their respective clans and play an important role in shaping the policies and decisions made by the rulers. Each king governs their own continent, but they must work together to ensure the stability and prosperity of the entire kingdom. This can lead to conflicts and power struggles between the rulers, but ultimately they must come to a consensus for the good of their people.   One unique aspect of Shilizal government is its lack of written laws or a formal legal system. Instead, laws are enforced by a group known as enforcers who act as judges and enforcers simultaneously. They are highly respected members of society who possess extensive knowledge of traditional customs and values. However, this system can also result in inconsistencies in punishment depending on which enforcer presides over a case. In addition to governing their own people on Shalita, these five kings also oversee the expansion efforts into other worlds. They appoint governors to oversee conquered territories and ensure that their laws and customs are upheld. This allows for the Shilizal way of life to be spread across multiple planets, albeit forcefully.


The culture of Shalita is deeply rooted in military tradition and the values of honor, strength, and bravery. From a young age, Shilizal males are trained in combat and physical fitness to prepare them for the rigors of war. This intense training starts as early as five years old and continues until they reach adulthood at age 30.   Shilizal warriors are highly respected members of society, seen as protectors of their people and empire. They are expected to uphold the values of honor, loyalty, and courage in all aspects of their lives. Failure to do so can result in severe consequences such as banishment or even execution. The emphasis on honor is evident in the Shilizal ritual of blood bonding. When two warriors form a close bond, they exchange blood through a ceremonial cut on their wrists. This symbolizes their unbreakable bond and commitment to protecting each other on the battlefield.   Another important aspect of Shilizal culture is physical strength. The ideal body type for a warrior is muscular and toned, with great endurance and agility. Aside from strength and combat skills, Shilizal culture also places value on intelligence and strategic thinking. Aspireadovs (warrior priests) play a crucial role in society- they are not only trained in combat but also have a deep understanding of history, philosophy, and military strategy. They serve as advisors to the kings during times of war and act as spiritual guides for the people.


The Shilizal are known for their formidable and battle-hardened military. From a young age, all Shilizal males are required to join the military, creating a culture deeply rooted in combat readiness and discipline. Training begins at the age of five and continues until they reach adulthood at thirty. During this time, Shilizal warriors undergo rigorous physical training to develop strength, agility, and endurance. They also learn hand-to-hand combat techniques and proficiency in wielding energy swords and plasma weaponry.   The Shilizal's mandatory conscription policy has allowed them to establish a large standing army, capable of defending their kingdom and expanding their territory. However, it also means that a significant portion of their population is constantly involved in military activities, leaving fewer resources for other pursuits.   As a founding member of the Hivivian Empire, the Shilizal benefit from being part of a vast alliance comprising various races from across the galaxy. The Hivivian Empire provides resources and support for its member races, allowing the Shilizal to maintain their well-equipped army. Ranking within the Shilizal military is based on merit and body count. This allows for individuals to rise through the ranks quickly if they show exceptional skills and determination.


by Dawood

Astrographical Information


Surkaria system



Orbital position

second planet


Two; Kurkora and Gurda

Physical Information


15,038 kilometres (9,344 mi)


24.957 m/s2

Length of day

30.3 hours

Length of year

645.5 days


.9atm (N2, O2, Ar)

Surface temperature

-5 °C to 56 °C (23 °F to 133 °F)

Societal Information


Shilizal (Homeworld)


Approx. 5.6 billion people



Technology Tier

Tier 2


Kingdom of Shalita


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