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USC Engineering Corps

The USC Engineering Corps (ENGCORP) is an administrative branch of the United Space Command, responsible for the exploration and colonization of viable planets. The ENGCORP’s primary focus is on science and engineering, undertaking important tasks such as surveying planets for colonization or terraforming purposes. This engineering corps employs skilled personnel to visit various planets on field missions, conducting thorough assessments and creating detailed reports on the viability of planets. Such factors as terrain characteristics, climate conditions, availability of drinkable water sources, and potential hazards are all meticulously analyzed and described. These reports are then published with an "O.K." signal.


Colonial Development Council

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Chairman of the Engineering Corps

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Founded 2103


United Space Command

USC Security Council

USC High Command

Type Leadership

Role Planetary Colonization and Terraforming Oversight

Head Chairman of the Engineering Corps

Deputy Vice Chairman of the Engineering Corps


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