Vámǫng is a type of magic which is practised in Caniic society during the late bronze age to the present-day. The practice of Vámǫng is a form of magic which is related to both the telling and the shaping of the future. However, its origins are largely unknown, and the practice of it gradually declined after the Caniic Hierarchy was formed before finding its footing again in a resurgence during the early colonization of the Thilt System. Vámǫng is shamanic in context, involving visionary journeys by its practitioners.
Vámǫng practitioners are of both sexes, with sorceresses being variously known as eǫlir, akeir, and skirá. There are also accounts of male practitioners, who were known as hámðr. In many cases these magical practitioners have assistants aiding them in their rituals.
Vámǫng practitioners are of both sexes, with sorceresses being variously known as eǫlir, akeir, and skirá. There are also accounts of male practitioners, who were known as hámðr. In many cases these magical practitioners have assistants aiding them in their rituals.