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Venus, also known as Sol II, is the second planet in the Sol System and probably best known for being the first candidate for early terraforming efforts. However, first attempts failed to live up to expectations and the planet reverted back to its original state. It wasn’t until after the colonization of New Earth in 2108, that a second attempt was made. Though this too failed, but with more of an effect in the right direction. In 2347, another attempt was made to terraforming Sol’s second planetary body. Amazingly, this time the terraforming stuck and colonization of the newly formed planet could begin at last.   Presently, there are now twenty-seven cities with a combined population of 12,389,900 people making Venus the fifth most populated world in Sol. Venus also has the highest population of transgender individuals of any colony including Earth, with about 40% being male to female, and 12% being female to male. The high number of trans women also gives Venus the highest female population of any colony at around 77%.


The transformation of Venus from a barren, inhospitable planet to a lush and habitable world is nothing short of a miracle. With the success of the third terraforming attempt in 2347, Venus now boasts diverse and stunning landscapes that attract visitors from all over Sol. The two main continents on Venus are Aphrodite Terra and Ishtar Terra.

Ishtar Terra

Named after the Roman goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, Aphrodite Terra is located in the northern hemisphere of Venus. It covers an area of approximately 6.5 million square kilometers, making it slightly smaller than Australia on Earth.   The landscape of Aphrodite Terra is characterized by a diverse mix of rolling hills, deep valleys, and towering mountains. The topography is a result of the massive geological changes that occurred during the terraforming process.   The northern part of Aphrodite Terra is dominated by tall mountains and deep valleys. These mountains provide a stunning backdrop for the sprawling cities that have been built on their slopes. The tallest peak in this region is Mount Venusia, which stands at 4,649 meters (15,246 feet) above sea level. This mountain range also serves as an important source for freshwater for the inhabitants of Venus.   Moving towards the center of Aphrodite Terra, the terrain becomes more varied with large grasslands giving way to dense forests. This transition was created during terraforming to create a diverse ecosystem that could support a wide range of plant and animal life. The central area is also home to several large lakes and rivers, providing ample water resources for farming and other activities. The largest lake in Aphrodite Terra is Lake Zephyr, which covers an area of 860 square kilometers (332 square miles).   Towards the southern part of Aphrodite Terra, the landscape becomes more rugged with rocky plateaus and canyons. This area is popular among adventure seekers who come to explore its challenging terrain. The eastern coast of Aphrodite Terra boasts some stunning beaches with turquoise blue waters and golden sands. These beaches are a popular tourist destination as well as a favorite spot for locals looking for relaxation.

Aphrodite Terra

Located in the southern hemisphere of Venus, Ishtar Terra is named after the Mesopotamian goddess of love and war. It covers an area of about 3 million square kilometers, making it smaller than Aphrodite Terra. The landscape of Ishtar Terra is more varied compared to Aphrodite Terra. The northern part is dominated by rugged terrain with deep canyons and steep cliffs. This region is known as the "Ishtar Highlands" and has some of the highest mountains on Venus, including the Maxwell Montes which stand at a height of 11 kilometers.   Moving south, the terrain becomes more flat and low-lying, with numerous rivers and lakes dotting the landscape. These bodies of water are fed by melting snow from the surrounding mountains and provide a vital source of water for the settlements in this region. One of the most striking features of Ishtar Terra is its vast network of underground caves and tunnels. These were formed by volcanic activity during Venus' early years and have since been expanded and utilized by humans for various purposes. Some serve as transportation routes between cities while others are used as storage facilities or even residential areas.   The southernmost part of Ishtar Terra is covered in thick forests that stretch all the way to the coast. This region is known as "Ishtar Woodlands" and is home to a wide variety of plant life, including towering trees that reach heights of over 100 meters. The woodlands also serve as a habitat for many species of animals that have been introduced from Earth. The coastal areas of Ishtar Terra are characterized by long stretches of sandy beaches that lead into calm turquoise waters. These beaches are popular destinations for tourists looking to relax or participate in various water sports activities.


The climate of Venus can be described as temperate, with both warm and cool seasons. The planet's proximity to the sun and its thick atmosphere have contributed to a warmer overall temperature compared to Earth, but extensive atmospheric manipulation and terraforming efforts has allowed for the creation of a habitable environment.   Venus experiences two distinct seasons: winter and summer. The winter season on Venus is characterized by mild temperatures ranging from -5 to 10 degrees Celsius (23 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit). During this time, there is usually little precipitation, making it a popular time for outdoor activities such as hiking or camping. Summer on Venus is much warmer, with average temperatures ranging from 15 to 35 degrees Celsius (59 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit). This season also brings more rain and even occasional thunderstorms, providing much-needed water for the planet's vegetation.   One of the most striking features of Venus' climate is its lack of extreme weather events. Due to its strong magnetosphere and advanced weather control technology, Venus does not experience hurricanes, tornadoes that are common on Earth and other colonies.

Biodiversity and conservation

Despite having no native life forms pre-terraforming, Venus now encompasses a variety of flora and fauna transplanted from Earth. Formerly endangered species such as the Amur leopard, mountain gorilla, and the kakapo have found sanctuary in the lush forests and vast grasslands of Venus. These species have thrived in their new environment, with populations multiplying rapidly due to the absence of natural predators and diseases.   In light of this success, Venusian authorities have implemented strict guidelines for the introduction of new species to avoid interrupting the delicate balance achieved. This move aims to preserve the current ecosystem and protect endangered Earth species whose numbers continue to dwindle due to habitat loss.   Every year, Venus participates in what has become known as "Conservation Day", a day when all citizens are encouraged to play their part in preserving Venus' rich biodiversity. Schools organize field trips to local nature reserves, while corporations sponsor projects aimed at improving the habitats of various species.

Government and politics

Venus is a planetary colony under the jurisdiction of the United Nations Federation and operates under a democratic form of government. The power and authority of the government are delegated by the UNF General Assembly, with the head of state being the president of the United Nations Federation. As an incorporated planetary colony, Venus receives the full protection and benefits guaranteed by the UNF Constitution.   The government of Venus is structured into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. The executive branch is led by the governor, currently Maria Rigal, who is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day administration of Venus. The legislative branch consists of the bicameral Legislative Assembly, comprising the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate, headed by President Victor Sanchez, and the House, led by Speaker Carlotta Lo Vallo, are responsible for creating and passing laws. The judicial branch is headed by Chief Justice Amauri Arnone and ensures the fair interpretation and application of the law.   Elections on Venus are conducted regularly and are governed by the Colonial Election Commission and the Planetary Elections Commission of Venus. The residents of Venus have the privilege to participate in both local and UNF presidential elections, including the primaries. The voting process allows the citizens to choose their governor, legislators, and their delegate to the UNF General Assembly.   Venus is divided into 39 municipalities, further divided into wards or barrios, and then into sectors. Each municipality has a mayor and a municipal legislature elected for a four-year term. This system ensures that the local concerns and needs of the citizens are adequately represented and addressed.

Foreign relations

Venus, while technically a colony under the sovereign rule of the United Nations Federation, maintains its own independent foreign relations. Though traditionally the UNF handles interplanetary relations, Venus is granted permission to negotiate trade deals, exchange ambassadors, and enter treaties with other planetary colonies. This special provision has allowed Venus to carve out its own unique identity within human-controlled space.   Venusian foreign policy is shaped by the colony’s strong democratic values, commitment to human rights, and robust economy. They remain stalwart defenders of individual freedoms, often advocating for minority rights on other colonies. Its strong diplomatic ties with both Earth and Harmony have resulted in a peaceful coexistence that serves as a beacon of unity throughout human-controlled space.


Venus, though a UNF colony, has its own planetary defense force. The current governor of Venus, Maria Rigal, who is the commander-in-chief, has delegated her authority to the Venus Adjutant General - Major General Isaak Weinwurm. Venus' defense force is divided into two separate divisions: the Venusian Colonial Guard and the Venusian Planetary Guard. The Venusian Colonial Guard is responsible for the internal security of Venus including maintaining law and order and working in conjunction with local law enforcement agencies, while the Venusian Planetary Guard is responsible for planetary defense. These forces operate under the authority of the governor of Venus, who is also the commander-in-chief, and the commanders of the United Space Command.

Law enforcement and crime

Law enforcement on Venus operates on a multi-tiered system. Policing within the municipalities is generally handled by Municipal Police Forces which are under the direction of their respective Mayors. These forces are responsible for maintaining public safety, enforcing local laws, and conducting criminal investigations within their jurisdictions.   The Venusian Colonial Guard also plays a significant role in law enforcement on the planet. They assist local police forces when needed and take charge of situations that extend beyond municipal borders or when a higher level of expertise is required. Beyond this, there also exists the Venusian Planetary Security Force. The VPSF holds jurisdiction over all spacecraft operations within the Venus' space, planetary customs regulations, import/export control and orbital security. They also hold investigative powers over crimes committed aboard interplanetary vessels or crimes that involve more than one municipality.   In terms of crime levels, Venus maintains relatively low violent crime rates compared to other colonies in the Sol system due to its robust law enforcement structure and strong community networks. However, the colony has seen a recent increase in cybercrime. Venusian authorities have been working closely with cybersecurity experts from the USC to combat this threat. Particularly, financial fraud and identity theft cases have spiked in the past few decades, leading to stricter cybersecurity measures across all sectors.


Venus has one of the most diversified and fast-growing economies in the Sol system, thanks to its advantageous location, abundant natural resources, high-quality education system, and welcoming business environment. The economy is primarily driven by industries such as information technology, biotech, energy, manufacturing, and tourism.   biotechnology forms the backbone of Venus' economy. The planet has become a hub for biotech research and development, with numerous advanced research facilities and leading biotech firms having their headquarters here. It has an impressive record in biopharma, genomics, precision medicine, and agricultural biotechnology sectors. Owing to the high number of transgender individuals living on Venus, it is also the leading colonies, other than Earth, in terms of unrestricted gender-affirming medical procedures and hormone replacement therapies.   Tourism constitutes a major portion of Venus' economy. With its breathtaking terraformed landscapes, earth-like climate, and historical importance, Venus attracts millions of visitors every year. Luxury hotels, gastronomic wonders, and exotically thrilling activities such as volcano trekking, water sports in the Venesian seas have all become a part of the unique Venusian allure. Also, the culture and history of the planet, along with its artistry and architectural developments, further augment its tourism sector.


Transportation on Venus is a highly efficient and extensive network that includes both terrestrial and extraterrestrial modes. Intercity travel is primarily facilitated by high-speed rail lines, which form the backbone of the colony's public transportation system. Hyperloops connect major urban centers, running at speeds upwards of 300 miles per hour and ensuring rapid transit times even across long distances. Local transportation within cities involves a combination of electric cars, bicycles, monorails, and pedestrian walkways designed with both efficiency and aesthetics in mind.   Air travel is primarily used for longer distances or reaching remote areas, with numerous airports scattered across Venus servicing a wide range of airplanes. Venusian airlines are known for their top-notch service. Space transportation greatly relies on Passenger Shuttles. With its close proximity to Earth and Mars, Venus has become a significant transport hub in the system's space routes. Venus boasts only one spaceport in its capital that serves the entire planet.


The majority of Venusians are of French, German, Italian, and Polish descent, with a minor American influence. The largest age demographic on Venus is between 25 and 44 years old, making up about 35% of the total population. Over the past few years, there has been an increasing trend of young professionals and families migrating to Venus for better job opportunities and an improved quality of life. The median age on Venus is estimated to be around 34 years old.   Approximately 60% of Venusians reside in urban areas with the remaining population spread across rural and semi-urban regions. The largest city on Venus is New Terra with a population of approximately three million people.


As of 2722, the population of Venus is estimated to be around 12,389,900. This represents a significant increase from the previous decade, with a rise in population by over one million people. The population density on Venus is relatively low, at an average of 59 people per square mile.   Ethnicity and racial makeup on Venus is diverse but primarily consists of individuals with French, German, Italian, and Polish ancestry. Approximately 39.7% of the population identifies as White, while 19.4% identify as Black. The Hispanic community makes up 12.3% of the population, followed by non-Hispanic individuals at 10%. About 6.6% of Venusians identify as Asian and 12% belong to other ethnic groups.   The majority of Venusians reside in urban areas, with about 60% living in cities such as New Terra, Sorzon, and Arcadia. Rural and semi-urban regions also have a significant population but are less densely populated than urban areas. The age demographic on Venus is relatively young, with a median age estimated to be around 34 years old. The largest age group is between 25 and 44 years old, making up about 35% of the total population.   Over the past few years, there has been a steady trend of young professionals and families migrating to Venus for better job opportunities and an improved quality of life. This has led to an overall increase in the colony's population.


Venusian is the most commonly spoken language on the planet, with over 80% of the population fluent in it. It is a constructed language created during the early days of colonization that incorporates elements from French, German, Italian, and Polish languages.   French and English are also widely spoken on Venus and are recognized as official languages alongside Venusian. This is due to the significant influence of French and English-speaking colonizers who arrived on Venus during its early days of settlement. These languages are predominantly used in business, education, and government proceedings.   German, Italian, and Polish are also prevalent on Venus due to the large number of immigrants from these countries. These languages have become integrated into daily life for many Venusians, with some municipalities choosing them as their official language(s) alongside or instead of French or English. However, all official documents and government proceedings must be conducted in both Venusian and English as per to both the Venusian and United Nations Federation’s Constitutions.


Presently, about 70.5% of Venus’ population are not native venuians, having immigrated from Earth and other UNF colonies. The flow of migration is primarily driven by factors such as the booming economy, quality of life, and unique cultural experiences that Venus offers.   The majority of these immigrants hail from Earth, particularly Europe and North America. However, significant numbers also come from Mars, and the Jovian colonies. To accommodate this diverse populace, Venus has evolved into a melting pot of cultures, with various traditions, cuisines, and languages co-existing harmoniously.   Venus' immigration policy is notably inclusive and progressive. The Venus Colonial Immigration Services oversee all immigration matters and prioritize skilled workers who contribute to the planet's knowledge-based economy. Immigrants on Venus have the same access to all amenities and rights as residents and citizens, including universal health care, free education, and vocational training programs.


Religious freedom is one of the fundamental rights enshrined in both the Constitution of Venus and UNF. The vast majority identify (86%) as Christian, 50% being Catholic. The remaining 14% includes faiths like Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and a few others including a small but growing number of people who follow the Venusian Traditionalism, a spiritual pagan belief system.   Venusian Traditionalism evolved from a blend of various religious and philosophical traditions brought to Venus by the early colonists. This belief system emphasizes reverence for the local ecosystem, harmony within communities, and the pursuit of scientific knowledge. While it is not an organized religion in the traditional sense, its influence can be seen in various aspects of Venusian culture including art, literature, and social norms. Despite the diversity in religious beliefs, Venusians are known for their inclusive attitude towards different faiths. Interfaith dialogues and cultural exchange programs are common and widely encouraged. This has fostered a strong sense of unity among Venusians while preserving their diverse religious heritage.


Steady urbanization has been a defining feature of Venus in the past few decades. The planet has seen a surge in the development of modern, sustainable cities, boasting impressive infrastructure and providing residents with high living standards.   As Venus’ economy boomed, more and more people migrated from other planets and Earth to pursue career opportunities and better living conditions. As a result, the population of Venus has become increasingly concentrated in its urban areas. Today, over 90% of Venusians live in cities and towns, with the remaining population residing in small rural communities. Venusian cities are meticulously designed to prioritize sustainability and harmonious living. The government works closely with urban planners to ensure that new developments are environmentally friendly and integrate well into existing cityscapes.   One of the most prominent features of Venusian cities is their green spaces. Parks, and gardens are carefully preserved within city limits to promote biodiversity and provide residents with natural retreats. In addition to preserving nature, Venusian cities also prioritize efficient transportation systems. Most major cities have extensive networks of subway trains, buses, taxis, and bike-sharing for residents to use easily. In contrast to these urban areas, rural Venus offers its own attractive lifestyle. These regions are characterized by vast farms producing a variety of crops. Rural Venusians often live in tight-knit communities with a strong emphasis on collective cooperation.


Venus values education highly and has a robust public school system that provides free, mandatory education for all children between the ages of six and eighteen. The Venusian curriculum is well-rounded, balancing core subjects such as mathematics, science, language arts, and history with innovative programs in technology, environmental studies, and government relations.   The education system on Venus is highly decentralized, with each city having its own board of education and school district. This allows for a more personalized approach to education and ensures that students receive a quality education tailored to their local needs. In addition to public schools, there are also private schools on Venus for those who can afford them. These schools often offer specialized programs in areas such as the arts or STEM fields.   One unique aspect of Venusian education is the emphasis on experiential learning. Students are encouraged to participate in hands-on learning experiences outside of the classroom through field trips, internships, and community service projects. This helps students develop real-world skills and gain practical experience while also fostering a sense of civic responsibility.   Higher education is highly valued on Venus, with many universities offering world-class programs in various fields. Students have access to state-of-the-art research facilities and opportunities for interdisciplinary study. The process for university admission is competitive but based on merit rather than financial means.


The health and well-being of its residents are of utmost importance on Venus. The colony boasts a great healthcare system, ensuring that all residents have access to free or highly subsidized medical care. This includes preventive, primary, and specialized healthcare services.   With advancements in medical technology, Venus has become a pioneer in everything from robotic surgery to gene editing. Novel treatments for a variety of ailments, including those that disproportionately affect transgender individuals, are researched and developed here. This has cemented Venus's position as a premier destination for health tourism within the Sol System.   Mental health is also given equal importance on Venus. There are numerous mental health clinics and resources available to residents. Moreover, awareness campaigns aimed at reducing the stigma associated with mental health issues are regularly held. A significant portion of the healthcare budget is also invested in public health initiatives to promote healthy lifestyles among Venusians. These initiatives include wellness programs, workout facilities with low membership costs, community gardens that promote farming, and unrestricted gender-affirming care and treatment.

Culture and society

Venusian culture is a rich blend of various influences from Earth cultures, particularly French, Italian, German, and American. These traditions have evolved over time to create a distinct Venusian identity that celebrates diversity and encourages innovation. The arts, music, and literature are highly valued in Venusian society, with many renowned artists hailing from the planet.   Venus also has a strong focus on environmental conservation and sustainability in its culture. Many traditional festivals and celebrations revolve around nature and its preservation. Venusian society values equality and inclusivity, with laws and policies in place to ensure equal rights for all citizens regardless of gender or ethnicity. The colony has achieved high levels of gender equality, with women holding prominent positions in government, business, and other fields. Families on Venus are typically small in size, with an average of two children per household. Childcare services are widely available to support working parents. Education is highly valued on Venus, with free education provided for all citizens up to the tertiary level.   The work-life balance on Venus is also highly prioritized. With shorter work hours compared to other planets within the UNF, Venusians have more time to pursue hobbies or spend time with family and friends. Venusian society also places a strong emphasis on physical fitness and overall well-being. Parks and recreational facilities are easily accessible throughout the planet, encouraging regular exercise among its inhabitants.

Mass media

Venus boasts a dynamic and diverse media landscape combining traditional platforms such as print, radio, and television with digital and social media. The primary news agencies are the Venusian Broadcasting Corporation (VBC) and the New Terra Times, both known for their biased reporting and extensive coverage of local and interplanetary news.   Venusian Radio Network (VRN), a public service broadcasting station, is also a popular source of information and entertainment, offering programs on various topics, including current affairs, science and technology, culture, and music. Podcasts are also rising in popularity among the younger generations.   As for the digital landscape, social media plays a significant role in how Venusians consume information. Platforms like Instabook, MySpace and Colonial-Chat have millions of daily users who share news, ideas, opinions, as well as their personal life updates. The rise in digital media has also seen an increase in citizen journalism where everyday Venusians report on local news through social media or personal blogs.

Literature and visual arts

On Venus, Literature and visual arts are deeply intertwined with the planet's unique cultural heritage. The works of Venusian authors often reflect the colony's rich diversity, drawing inspiration from a myriad of Earth cultures and languages, as well as the planet's own experiences of colonization, urban growth, and interplanetary relations. Venusian literature mostly comprises a range of genres including science fiction, historical dramas, and romance.   Visual arts on Venus are characterized by a blend of traditional and contemporary styles. Painters often use vibrant colors to capture the unique landscapes of the planet. Sculpture is another popular medium where artists use materials native to Venus to create striking pieces that grace public spaces across the planet's cities and towns.   Photography is also a flourishing field on Venus, with photographers often focusing on capturing the stunning plant life and landscape of the planet. The ethereal beauty of Venus is frequently celebrated in these works, reflecting the deep love Venusians have for their home.

Cinema and theater

The Venusian cinema and theater scene is a thriving industry that contributes significantly to the planet's rich cultural tapestry. These platforms are not just forms of entertainment; they serve as vital portals through which individuals explore, challenge, and discuss socio-political themes.   Venusian cinema has seen an outpouring of locally produced films in recent years. The film industry on Venus covers a wide range of genres, from sprawling science fiction epics to intimate dramas. Venusian filmmakers often utilize their unique environment as both a literal and metaphorical narrative backdrop. Several Venusian films have gained international recognition for their compelling storytelling and innovative cinematographic techniques.   Theaters are abundant on Venus, demonstrating the population's enduring love for traditional performing arts. Venusian theater is characterized by its fusion of styles drawn from various Earth cultures. Experimental plays are common, featuring elements such as holographic technology alongside traditional stagecraft. Theaters on Venus are more than just venues for performances; they are communal spaces where Venusians can connect with their diverse cultural heritage while also pushing the boundaries of artistic expression.   Notable theater groups on Venus include the Venusian Classical Theatre Company, which performs adaptations of Earth classics from Shakespeare to Molière, and the Pioneer Players, a group known for its experimental works that explore life and identity in an interplanetary context. It’s not uncommon to attend a Shakespearean drama one night and an avant-garde performance art piece the next, the wealth of entertainment reflecting Venus's hybrid culture.


The unique blend of cultures on Venus is mirrored in the planet's fashion industry. Influences from Earth are combined with the necessities of Venusian life, resulting in a style that is both practical and avant-garde. Venusian fashion is characterized by lightweight garments designed to keep the wearer comfortable in the local climate while also offering protection from the occasional harsh weather phenomena.   Italian and French designers have become known for their use of iridescent materials, reflecting the vibrant hues of Venusian landscapes, while American and German influences often introduce utility-focused designs. There is a significant emphasis on sustainable fashion, using materials that are ethically sourced or recycled.   Typical Venusian style leans towards loose-fitting silhouettes, multi-functional pieces, and an abundance of accessories inspired by the diverse cultures of Earth. Fashion Week on Venus is a much-anticipated event where designers, models, and fashion enthusiasts from across the Universe come together to celebrate creativity and innovation within the industry. It's renowned for its avant-garde runway shows showcasing the fashion industry.   Venusian haute couture is particularly known for incorporating lightweight, breathable materials combined with intricate beadwork and embroideries, often inspired by the vibrant flora and fauna found on Venus. Additionally, the fashion industry is heavily influenced by science and technology, with designers frequently incorporating wearable tech into their clothing lines. This union of fashion and technology not only gives garments a modern touch but also enhances functionality, a crucial aspect of wearability on Venus.


Music is very popular in the Venusian society, weaving its way into everything from daily routines to grand celebrations. The varied cultural tapestry of Venus has shaped a richly textured sonic landscape that spans numerous genres and styles, with influences drawn from Earth's classical music, jazz, pop, and rock to traditional folk music.   Venusian folk music is particularly enthralling. Rooted in storytelling traditions passed down through generations, it is characterized by its lyrical depth and the use of indigenous musical instruments. These songs often revolve around themes such as love, nature, mythology, and everyday life on Venus.


The cuisine of Venus is as diverse and multifaceted as its people, with influences from many earth cultures blended together to create unique culinary traditions. Venusian food balances nutrition, sustainability, and flavor. Agricultural technology advancements have allowed for the cultivation of Earth crops as well as the development of new hybrid species suited to the Venusian climate.   Venusian dishes are often characterized by bold flavors and vibrant colors, similar to Mediterranean cuisine. Fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, lean proteins and legumes form the mainstay of the Venusian diet. Innovations in hydroponic technologies allow for a variety of fruits and vegetables to be grown all year round, resulting in a cuisine that is both diverse and seasonally focused.   Street food culture is also prevalent on Venus. Food stalls can be found in almost every corner of urban areas, each offering a unique array of dishes from savory snacks to sweet treats. These are often enjoyed with locally brewed beverages. Bread holds a special place in Venusian cuisine. Similar to traditions on Earth, bread-making is considered a communal activity on Venus.


Astrographical Information

Galactic Arm



Sol system



Orbital position

Second planet

Orbital Distance

0.72 AU (1.13 Light-years)


One Artificial Satellite

Physical Details


12,104 kilometers (7,521 mi)


8.87 m/s²

Length of day

116d 18h 0m (24 hrs UT)

Length of year

224.7 days (365 days UT)


0.786 (Ar, N2, O2)

Surface temperature

-15°C to 55.6°C (5°F to 132.08°F)

Societal Information


Human (non-native)

Capital and Largest City

New Terra

Official languages


Colonial languages

French, German, Italian, English

  Ethnic groups (2720)
  • By race:

    • 39.7% White

    • 19.4% Black

    • 12.3% Hispanic

    • 10% non-Hispanic

    • 6.6% Asian

    • 12% Other

  • By Origin:

    • 70.5% Non-Venusian

    • 29.5% Venusian

  Religion (2720)
  • 86% Christianity

    • 30% Protestantism

    • 50% Catholicism

    • 6% other Christian

  • 1% unaffiliated

  • 1% Buddhism

  • 1% Hinduism

  • 1% Islam

  • 1% Judaism

  • 5% other

  • 4% unanswered



Government Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Colony

  • President Brandon Carter

  • Governor Maria Rigal

  • Lieutenant Governor Vinzent Korn

  • Assembly Speaker Carlotta Lo Vallo

  • Chief Justice Amauri Arnone

Legislature Parliament

  • Upper house Senate

  • Lower house House of Assembly


  • 2722 estimate 12,389,900 (medium increase)

  • 2720 census 12,179,658

  • Density 59/sq mi


2725 estimate

  • Total $1.768 trillion (12th)

  • Per capita $90,479 (6th)

GDP (nominal)

2725 estimate

  • Total $1.768 trillion (12th)

  • Per capita $90,479 (7th)

Gini (2720)

53.9 increase; medium

HDI (2721)

4.970 increase; high · 6th


UNF Credit (₵)

Time zone

universal time (DST)

Date format


Driving side



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