Yictan Species in Interstellar Wars | World Anvil
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The Yictan were an aquatic species, with a marvel of technological advancement. Their empire spanned the vast expanse of the Milkyway Galaxy, with their culture centered around the Orion and Sagittarius Arms. For millennia, they reigned supreme as the dominant civilization in the galaxy, their power and influence unmatched by any other race. Despite their dominance, the Yictan were not a cruel or oppressive species. They valued all forms of life throughout the galaxy, but it was humanity that they favored above all others. The Yictan saw great promise and potential in the development of humanity, and they chose them to be their successors once they were ready.   The Yictan's downfall remains unknown. No one knows how their civilization was destroyed, but it is estimated to have happened around 1 million years ago. Perhaps it was a natural disaster, or maybe they were destroyed by a rival civilization. Whatever the cause, the Yictan's legacy lives on, and their influence can still be felt throughout the galaxy.


Physiology & Anatomy

Yictan, were a bipedal species, and shared some features with humans. They were cold-blooded and gave birth to live offspring. With their four fingers, including an opposable thumb, yictan had an advantageous hand structure that facilitated early tool-making. The yictan's circulatory system was a closed network consisting of one heart and blood vessels. Their blood was purple due to hemerythrin. Yictan had two lungs that primarily function in a nitrogen-oxygen based atmosphere.   Over the course of their lives, the Yictan underwent a number of artificially-induced mutations, modifying their bodies to better suit the field of work they chose. Their heads were large and possessed black eyes. Their bodies appeared quite muscular in appearance due to the extensive cybernetic augmentation done over time.   Unlike other species, Yictan possessed no adrenaline glands within their bodies nor did they have epinephrine pumping through their lymphatic system. It is speculated that this was a result of their cybernetically modified biology as an attempt to reduce stress and increase cognitive control during battle or intense situations. They also had enhanced immune systems which allowed them to survive high levels of radiation or toxic conditions without any ill effects on their health. Yictan also possessed advanced night vision capabilities due to the dense clustering of photosensitive cells in their eyes along with an extended range of color spectrum perception even beyond that seen by humans or other species. The combination of these two traits allowed them to quickly adapt to any environment, whether it be day or night cycle dependent so long as there was light present at any level thus making them highly effective during combat scenarios.


The genetic makeup of the yictan consisted of several pairs of chromosomes, though how many is unclear. The genetic material is made up of genes, which are segments of DNA that contain instructions for various traits and functions. Yictan shared approximately 87.3% of their DNA with each other, and the remaining 12.7% accounted for individual differences.   Unlike other species, whose genetic code must gradually evolve to adapt to a changing environment, Yictan possessed an inherent mechanism that allowed them to activate or suppress specific genes in response to changing circumstances. This epigenetic regulation enabled them to adapt swiftly to new environments without needing hundreds or thousands of years as other species. Within their genetic code, Yictan possessed a unique array of sensory receptors that extend beyond their five familiar senses. These heightened senses enabled them to interpret vast degrees of information from the world around them—heat signatures, electromagnetic energy fields, ultraviolet light, and infrared radiation. In addition to their extraordinary senses, the Yictan exhibited an extraordinary capacity for neural plasticity. Their genetic makeup nurtures a highly adaptable and flexible brain structure, facilitating rapid learning, memory retention, and cognitive prowess. This inherent plasticity allowed them to absorb vast amounts of knowledge and master complex concepts with remarkable ease, contributing to their scientific and technological achievements.   Another remarkable feature of Yictan genetics was their ability to regenerate damaged tissue and organs. The regenerative abilities of their genetic code surpassed those of most species, and enabled them to heal wounds and recover from injuries at an accelerated rate. This regenerative prowess extended to their internal organs, and granted them exceptional longevity and resilience.

Reproduction and Life cycle

[coming soon]


[coming soon]


The Yictan were widely recognized for their remarkable mental prowess, surpassing that of any other known life form. Their cognitive abilities were so advanced that they could process information at lightning-fast speeds, analyze complex data sets with ease, and even manipulate their surroundings with highly advanced technology.   The Yictan had a highly developed ability to reason and think logically, allowing them to make connections between disparate facts with effortless accuracy. This enabled them to quickly come up with creative solutions to problems and make strategic decisions on the fly. They also possessed an innate understanding of mathematics, physics, and chemistry – fields essential in the advancement of their technology. Their intelligence was further complemented by an intuitive grasp of abstract concepts such as philosophy and spirituality. The Yictan had a deep reverence for life in all its forms, considering it sacred in some respects. This conviction drove their behavior and shaped their culture, inspiring them to respect the natural world around them.   The Yictan’s superior intelligence was balanced out by a compassionate yet tenacious disposition. They were fiercely loyal to those they cared about but could be quite ruthless when it came to protecting what they believed in or defending those close to them. Their unwavering courage made them formidable opponents even when faced with great odds.


Yictan culture thrived on a fusion of scientific exploration and long-standing traditions. Despite the rich scientific advancements, their society remained completely stagnant for tens of millions of years. A key feature of Yictan culture was their rate-based social hierarchy, where an individual's position was primarily determined by their rate, which corresponded to their occupation. This complex system shaped the different social classes within Yictan society. Formality and ritual held a significant place in Yictan culture, particularly among the highest rate known as the Constructors. Their cultural practices and customs varied according to rate and position. Family lineage and tradition played a crucial role in Yictan society, with rate and social standing being largely hereditary. This emphasis on lineage further reinforced the stability and lack of change in social structures over vast periods.   The Yictan had unique cultural attitudes toward certain aspects of life. While they abstained from consuming meat due to a religious doctrine against "the eating of the flesh of unfortunates," they did not view nudity or sexuality as taboos. For instance, the rite of mutation involved both participants being naked, without the act being considered explicitly sexual. Additionally, the Yictan managed to maintain a remarkably peaceful existence with very few instances of conflict or war among themselves. Despite occasional political disputes, the last civil wars among the Yictan took place over a million years prior to their civilization's demise.

Languages and scripts

The Yictan possessed a multitude of languages and dialects. These dialects showcased differing levels of antiquity and wider usage among the Yictan. Lumina stood as an ancient language, while Ruanqin held a slightly lesser age.   One commonly encountered system of Yictan communication was exemplified through a series of intricate circular shapes. These glyphs were observed inscribed throughout various regions within the Orion and Sagittarius Arms, indicating their widespread usage among the Yictan civilization. These glyphs were not limited to mere decorations, as the Yictan also incorporated them onto their weapons, machinery, and clothing, a practice adopted by the Hivivian as well. On top of these well-known and frequently seen symbols and glyphs, the Yictan also employed a more conventional writing system. This system utilized characters often compared to dots, squares, bars, and triangles, providing a stark contrast to the circular shapes of the Yictan glyphs. Additionally, the Hivivian writing system derived from the original Yictan script, utilizing elaborated variations of the simple geometric characters employed by the Yictan.


The Yictan were astronomically ahead of their time in terms of architecture. Their cities were marvels of engineering, characterized by sweeping curves, transparent domes, and harmonious integration with their natural surroundings. The architecture embraced the principles of biomimicry, resulting in structures that seemed to blend seamlessly with their environments.   The Yictan designed their buildings to be both practical and visually pleasing. They had mastered the use of light to create beautiful interiors and used innovative materials for construction that allowed them to construct livable spaces almost anywhere. Even under extreme conditions, such as in deserts or mountain ranges, they aimed to make their homes comfortable and attractive.   Their building designs incorporated a variety of sustainable features such as solar power, wind turbines, and rain catchment systems. They also took special care to ensure that all waste was recycled or reused in some way. At the same time, they strived to preserve the natural environment whenever possible. This meant enacting strict regulations on any development or large-scale projects that could damage the landscape or disrupt wildlife habitats. Perhaps most impressive was the Yictan’s ability to build entire cities virtually overnight using nanotechnology. These amazing feats earned them a well-deserved reputation as master engineers and architects who could seemingly turn impossible ideas into reality through a combination of creative ingenuity and advanced technology.

Tools and technologies

The Yictan's advancements in technology propelled them to the forefront of scientific discovery. Neural interfaces allowed for direct mental interaction with machines and computer systems, enabling Yictan to access vast amounts of information instantaneously.   Energy manipulation was a cornerstone of Yictan technology. They harnessed the power of cosmic energies to fuel their advancements, utilizing advanced energy cores and hardlight-based systems. Energy weapons, capable of harnessing and focusing power, were employed for both defensive and offensive purposes. The Yictan could even create entire planets in less than 1,000 years.   Teleportation was possible with the use of gravitational distortion fields that allowed objects or people to move across great distances almost instantly. These fields could also be used to manipulate time itself, allowing for time travel between different dimensions or points in history. Yictan developed many tools for everyday life including more efficient farming techniques as well as advanced devices which allow one person to access multiple locations simultaneously through holographic projection systems. These tools were also designed to help protect lifeforms from artificially created viruses or other threats that posed a risk to organic lifeforms.   The Yictan made extensive use of nanotechnology both in their industrial processes and everyday lives. They employed powerful nanites capable of sophisticated tasks such as self-repairing damaged structures or manufacturing materials on demand. Nanites were used for a variety of other applications from healing injuries to monitoring vital signs in living organisms as well as aiding communication between sentient species through quantum entanglement communication systems.

Government and politics

The Yictan civilization was governed by a powerful body known as the Kavarya council. This council was the primary decision-making authority for the Yictan and was based on their capital world of Whikera. Led by the First Councilor, the Kavarya council was composed of a thousand lesser Councilors, each with their own unique role and responsibilities.   In addition to the Kavarya council, the Yictan also relied on a network of Rician BIs, or Biotic Intelligence, known as the Council metarchy. These advanced artificial intelligences were designed to support the council in their decision-making processes and to provide valuable insights and analysis on a wide range of topics. Despite their advanced technology and vast resources, the Yictan had a strict policy of non-interference when it came to other intelligent species. They believed that it was important to preserve the natural development of other cultures and to avoid any actions that could either advance or hinder the progression of these civilizations. This policy of non-interference was a core tenet of Yictan society and was deeply ingrained in their culture and values. It was a testament to their wisdom and foresight, and it helped to ensure that the Yictan were respected and admired throughout the galaxy for their commitment to peace, cooperation, and mutual respect.


Trekon Male.png
Male Yictan (First Concept) by Thach
Female Yictan (First Concept) by Thach

Biological overview

Scientific name






Physical information

Average Height

6' 0"

Average Weight

120 lb.


500 years


Tall, humanoid, hairless

Sociocultural information


Trekia (Original; destroyed)

Trekiana (Mars; secondary)

Whikera (primarily after Trekia)

Colonized Worlds





Nova Trekia













Many, many more…

Protected Worlds






Native Technologies

Quantum Foam Storage

Hard Light

Shared Technologies

Energy Shielding


Artificial Gravity

Inertia Damping

Communication Networks

Technological Level

Tier 1


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