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Dusk Tildonn

Dusk Tildonn

----------   Life is just one journey. Whether it be long or short - that's for the gods to decide. People can come to accept that it's not the only journey, however. When their spirits depart from their bodies, they simply move on to the next great adventure.   That's how it is to most people, at least. For Lysander's chosen, though, that spiritual release may be put on hold, or even reversed. Whether they were devout throughout their life, or perhaps he simply believes in their potential - it's in his hands. This story is the latter. The story of Dusk Tildonn.   Dusk can't recall much about his life after it passed, only what seem to be fading shadows of what once was. Staring up at the sky, vision blurring, taste of foul berries, encroaching darkness taking over their view. The faint echoes of "You lose" are drowned out by the clanking of coins. Where he was or what he was doing felt like a hazy memory just out of reach, always overshadowed by what came next.   After what seemed like a matter of mere moments of darkness to him, Dusk expected himself to be moving on as he was suddenly surrounded in blinding luminescence. An outline of a figure could be made out, but only ever so barely.   "I am Lysander, and I still have use for you. As do they." The light coalesced into the shape of a boat in a harbor, then everything vanished.   Dusk awoke, surrounded in darkness once again, save for a flitting, dim light overhead. The sensation of cold and wet surrounded his body, while a flood of fluid fills his lungs with the initial, gasping inhale. His hands reached for the light, clawing and shoving the water surrounding them until they break through the surface to find himself treading water in a stream.   The only clue he had was that image of a ship, along with the sensation in his gut telling them which way to go. Why would he take such a chance based on nothing more than a vision? Simply put: he was enjoyer of gambling, through and through, even if it had previously cost him his life in that game of Berry Roulette.   It's not that he -needed- the money to keep his shop open back then; the thrill and risk were the true prize... though the money is always nice to buy new things for the shop, and a better shop means better business. Intelligence is knowing which berries are safe to eat. Wisdom is knowing that even smart people can make the wrong decisions sometimes. Despite the fate he suffered, his general good-hearted nature gave Lysander reason enough to bring him back five years later.   His true name was unknown when he returned, though he was given a name by sailors once he started his search port to port for the right ship. "Dusk Tildonn" was used in jest on the account that he never seemed to sleep, and thus spent his nights on lookout duty. Though, the name ended up sticking, and he adopted it as his own.   Recently he has been having visions from his past, informing him as to why he does what he does. He knows he once had a small herbal shop called "Herbal Remmy D's", named after himself - Remmy Doughfoot. This shop was only across the street from his family's bakery, the place where he had originally got his start. While his parents focused on their craft, he became infatuated with the use of herbs to create complementary, edible salves to spread. Overall, the ones he enjoyed using most were the ones that helped people feel better in general. Eventually, he decided to set up his own shop to specialize in this herb-infused creation.   With whatever little success he had at first, and as a way to grow his business even further, he turned to gambling. At first, it was only a hobby - a way to get just a little more for knick knacks and accoutrements for his shop's aesthetics. When the business didn't seem to grow as quickly as he wanted, this little hobby turned into his addiction.   His addiction to gambling, however, was what got the better of him in the end. He had a business plan, but no plan ever goes accordingly. In his planning, his oversight hadn't accounted for another business being so competitive to take away his potential customers. In hopes to gain an edge, he sought to use his obsession with risky games to win the trade war.   Dusk had challenged the other shop owner in Nipopolos to a game, betting business against business. Dusk lost everything, quite literally. Generally, the game would only involve the loser getting a stomach ache. This was unfortunately not the outcome in this particular game. His death many years ago only helped the other owner to rise to prosperity. Though he knew the risks of the game, Dusk suspects he was cheated.   His family never had a chance to learn the truth before he was gone, but his gambling wasn't exactly a secret. Whether he sold his business to cover a debt or something else happened to him, they can't say for certain. Even after he came back, he didn't visit them. He hardly remembered them, only that the location of their shop and his was known in his mind somehow - another fuzzy memory. Without further thought of the significance, he kept walking until he found the first ship out of town.

Halfling gambling addict with a good heart. When risking money isn't enough, he seeks his thrills by gambling more.

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Neutral Good
Date of Birth
Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
3 ft
45 lbs

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