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Empire of Norica

Ex quo terrae! The cry of the legion of Norica brings fear to the heart of those that would oppose them. Through engineering marvels and military might they expand their empire to encompass the known world. Those who oppose the Empire do not do so for long.


The Empire of Norica is lead by the Emperor Justinian III. Under the Emperor is the Senate, made of hereditary land holders and lords of the land. The Emperor controls the military, foreign affairs, matters of faith and has final approval on laws passed by the Senate. The Senate does maintain some authority over taxation, which is used as a bargaining chip when dealing with the Emperor. Additionally the empire is divided into Provinces which are ruled by Governors who are appointed by the Emperor.

Public Agenda

The Empire brings law and order everywhere it goes. It's roads and aqueducts connect the Empire and form the nervous system upon which information travels. The Empire is the tool by which the will of Grom is executed.


The Empire has numerous holdings; border fortifications, standing armies, castles, etc. At any given time the Empire has 15 standing legions or 150,000 men at arms. It can call from reserves a further 30 legions of troops as all men of the Empire serve a mandatory 4 years in active duty, followed by 20 years in the reserve. Through taxation and control over mining the Empire's wealth is known across the land.


Founded following the War of Reunification from the ashes of the former servants of Grom, the Empire of Norica took about conquest from the start. Their disciplined veteran fighters and high skill with crafting steel meant that their armies outclassed all that opposed them. When conquering a land the Noricans were quick to build up the local infrastructure and quickly integrate the conquered into the Empire. Through this they were able to quickly expand their population base and by extension their army.

Ex quo terrae

Founding Date
1 WR
Geopolitical, Empire

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