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The Utopian Edict of Emperor Cezak

The Most Powerful Document in the World

  The Utopian Edict is the foundational document of the Hanxi Empire, ghost-written through the then-king Cezak of Hanxi, which was completed on the day of the foundation of the Empire. Its completion was met with a legion of Inevitables descending to, in a single day, deliver a solid block of jade and carve it into a resplendent palace for the Emperor and all those to follow, alongside a crown carved into the shape of two jade Imperial Dragons intertwined, perfect on a microscopic level and forever immutable for as long as Utopia exists. The Edict dictates the Empire, and it is also foundational to the Hanxi system of feudalism that would go on to influence much of the world.   The Utopian Edict is amazingly long, and while the terms will be laid out below, they will be abridged. The Utopian Edict outlines proper behavior for the Emperor and all of his vassals. This abridged form would be the non-magical guidelines provided to vassals, administrators, and tributaries of the Emperor. A group of twenty secluded eunuch monks are responsible for tending to, observing, and evaluating the legality of actions based on the Utopian Edict - any decree of the Emperor is evaluated against the Edict, the corner of which will burn if the Emperor's actions defy the will of Utopia. Furthermore, they speak the names of every ruling dynasty in Hanxi to the edict daily, and if the corner catches fire in response to a name, this dynasty has violated the will of Utopia and must be corrected or deposed.   If the entire Utopian Edict catches fire, then the current ruling dynasty of Hanxi has become corrupt, and is no longer fit to rule. It is the responsibility of the people and nobles of Hanxi to thus stand up and cast down the ruling dynasty, and for the monks to install a suitable ruler - if they fail to do so, a legion of Inevitables will come to punish the entire nation for their indolence, before selecting a new Emperor of their own accord. For obvious reasons, thus far, the Edict's judgment has never been defied when it has reached this stage, the few times it has happened. All vassals of the Emperor receive an abridged reproduction of the original document, which catches fire similar to the real thing when the vassal is acting out-of-line.  


  Term One: It is the core responsibility of the state and all of its agents to support, protect, and enforce the laws of the land. All leaders of the state must thusly act at all times in line with the law, and in support of it. The laws of Hanxi are holy things that must not be changed without extensive deliberation nor without a distinct, valid, and strongly supported reason. These laws must never be changed via illegitimate means, and the state must not use violence, fear, or bribery to pass and change these new laws.   Term Two: It is the responsibility of the state to protect and provide for the people. They must be treated with kindness, respect, and patience, so long as they are willing to remain obedient, responsible, and diligent. Mediate their grievances and frustrations, and satisfy those requests and demands that are justified and possible. However, there is no mercy afforded to rebels, committers of treason, seditious elements, and those who would rise up against the responsible state. Upon the raising of such a rabble, it is the responsibility of the state to destroy it.   Term Three: The state has the right to violence, one that does not exist in among the common people. This grand and terrible responsibility represents the state's most difficult decisions. As in Term Two, rebels and traitors ae deserving of no mercy, and must be struck down. The forces of chaos and disorder, and those who threaten the integrity and coherence of the state must be punished.  Bring law and order to the places that lack it, and use the might of your forces to protect the people who serve your state and submit to your stewardship.   Term Four: The state does not exist without administration. Your state's bureaucracy must be maintained and supported. Heed and consider their requests and suggestions, and staff their services adequately with skilled, intelligent, capable, and selfless individuals. However, remember to keep the administration on a short leash, as they control the information that comes to you and your vassals. Those who would lie and deceive their leaders are traitors to the state and treasonous.   Term Five: The running of the state and the raising of the army is the domain and responsibility of your vassals, and the efforts of your nobility are important. They deserve your trust, respect, and help, and it is natural that, given that they follow this edict just as much as you, they have such autonomy. However, those who would attempt to exploit this trust, this help, this autonomy, deserve to have it all stripped away. They are traitors and treasonous, and must be replaced.   Term Six: The state has a natural privilege to control the flow of the truth. Information that has the potential to destabilize and disorder the state is only shared at the discretion of the state and its leaders. Irresponsibly sharing such information is a failure of the state. However, to seize all information and keep it is to leave your people sailing blind in a sea of ignorance. Control that information which is dangerous, and allow that which is not.   Term Seven: The word and law of Utopia is absolute. It must be obeyed with all due haste and diligence. When one speaks to an Inevitable, they bring you good and trustworthy advice and decree. However, it is also the responsibility of the state to ensure that those that seem to speak the word of Utopia speak the truth. Approach these claims and requests with diligent rigor. Treat charlatans claiming to serve Utopia as traitors and treasonous.   Term Eight: The soil of your land is sacred and vital. Those nations that do not practice the tenets of the Utopian Edict may never own tracts of your land. Those that try and take it must be fought vigorously, and crushed without mercy. Neighboring nations must be brought to heel and pay tribute to your state, and be made to abide by the terms of the Utopian Edict. Save the soil of your land for your own people, your farmers, your workers, your warriors and vassals.   Term Nine: The people of other lands that come to yours may ask to bring their own laws. This is unacceptable, and must never be accepted. Those that attempt to press this issue and win special privileges to live by their own nation's laws in your land must be expelled and made never to return. Those nations that would attempt to carve out their own territory from yours to trade under their own laws must be ruthlessly brought to heel.   Term Ten:   The above is deliberately left blank - it is unknown if and when it shall fill in, but a prophesized time will come when this line shall fill in on its own, giving the final and most important term of the edict.


Type: Constitution and Divine Proclamation   Country of Origin: The Hanxi Empire (across all dynasties)   Date of Completion: 60 CE   Authors: The Gods and Outsiders of Utopia, Emperor Cezak of the Yuè Dynasty (divinely-inspired ghostwriter)   Status: Intact, Enforced

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