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The Scaled Tyrant, Dragon Goddess of Greed

For more information on all Betrayer Deities, see: Betrayer Deities

The evil queen of dragons is a fearsome god of greed, envy, and hoarded wealth. While chromatic dragons are her foremost worshipers, Tiamat accepts the worship of any who crave wealth. All chromatic dragons have a fearful reverence for their tyrannical queen, but many dragons of near-deific power and ambition chafe under her rule.

Physical Description

Most representations of Tiamat exist as warnings within sanctuaries of the Platinum Dragon, Bahamut. She is shown as a drake of frightful size, with massive leathery wings spreading clouds of poisonous mist, while she shouts from five vicious dragon heads, each one a chromatic color of her evil children. Each head is able to operate entirely independently of each other and has the powers of a member of the respective race of dragonkind.

Divine Realm

Tiamat remains imprisoned in Avernus, the first of the Nine Hells, influencing the souls of chromatic dragons across the planes and seeking the means to free herself. Some say she was doomed to become a prisoner of Tiamat's Lair in Avernus by an unknown deity, only able to leave the plane if summoned by a powerful ritual. Other accounts say that Tiamat was sent to the Nine Hells as a punishment for opposing the gods, while other accounts even say that Tiamat went to the Hells by her own choice.

Tenets of Faith

  • Amass wealth, but spend little. The gold—and the power that comes with it—is sufficient reward in itself.
  • Do not forgive nor forget an indignity to yourself. Let no affront go unpunished.
  • Take what you covet. Those without the strength to defend their dominion are not worthy to have one.

Social Aptitude

Tiamat is arrogant, greedy, hateful, spiteful, and vain. She never forgives any kind of slight and is focused on obtaining more power and wealth. She disdains mortals, regarding them as mere disposable tools in her schemes. When needed, she is charming, but her self-serving and reptilian personality betray her sooner or later. She has an insatiable greed for treasures, but prefers that her followers bring it to her in the form of gifts instead of searching for riches on her own.


Many evil dragons have worshiped Tiamat since their species first appeared on Iolcus, and kobolds believe she is their creator, and although they don't worship her as a goddess, they revere her as their creator. She counts followers amongst the dragonborn as well.   Tiamat accepts only evil clerics. They, like Tiamat herself, seek to place the world under the domination of evil dragons. The church of Tiamat is regimented by a strict hierarchy of ranks and titles. Her clerics are occupied by the twin tasks of acquiring an ever-increasing hoard of wealth for the faith and sabotaging the faiths of other deities. As a result, they occupy most of their time with an unending series of thefts, assassinations, acts of vandalism, and arson.

Contacts & Relations

Betrayer & Prime Deities

To Tiamat, deities of all creeds and from every pantheon are inherently tyrannical, and therefore her rivals. She considers herself the only being powerful enough to defy these gods and overthrow their despotic rule. Her followers work tirelessly toward her agenda of world domination. When Tiamat assumes her throne as the only goddess of the realms, her draconic children will serve as her dukes, or so her followers believe. Toward this goal, Tiamat's followers must be willing to obey her commands without question and even sacrifice their own lives if necessary.


The Scaled Tyrant's hatred for Bahamut is as old as the creation of the worlds, and her cults are ever hunted by his justice. For centuries, the zealous paladins of Bahamut have limited her worship to the chromatic dragons, but a rise in cult activity in the underbelly of society has priests of the Platinum Dragon on edge.

Divine Traits

General Information

Alternative Name(s)
The Avaricious
Bane of Bahamut
The Chromatic Dragon
Dragon Goddess of Greed
The Dragon Queen
Queen of the Chromatic Dragons
The Scaled Tyrant

Lawful Evil

Betrayer Deity

Areas of Concern
Control, dragons, envy, greed

Favored Weapon
Bite or glaive

Sacred Animal(s)
Chromatic dragon

Sacred Color(s)
Purple, red

Taloned dragon claw
Chromatic dragons, Cult of the Dragon, evil dragons, evil reptiles, fighters, sorcerers, thieves, vandals

Worshipers' Adjective(s)

Baator - Tiamat's Lair, Avernus (1st layer)

D&D 5e

Order, Trickery, War

Pathfinder 1e

Destruction, Evil, Law, Scalykind, Trickery, War

Dragon, Greed, Hatred, Inevitable, Tyranny

Pathfinder 2e

Destruction, Trickery, Wealth, Wyrmkin

Alternative Domain(s)

Divine Ability
Strength or Charisma

Divine Font

Divine Skill

Cleric Spells
1st: Command
2nd: Charitable Urge
5th: Summon Dragon

Divine Boons
  • Minor Boon
  • Moderate Boon
  • Major Boon

Divine Curses
  • Minor Curse
  • Moderate Curse
  • Major Curse

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