Alexandra Victoria Shadowcrest

Alexandra Victoria Shadowcrest (a.k.a. V)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, fit, surprisingly strong.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alex was orphaned at birth (or a very young age). A caravan of displaced people from other places in Aldean, suffering under the yoke of the empire arrived in Brille on a snowy night and she was alone in a basket inside one of the carts, everyone else frozen to death.   She went to live in the local orphanage (name pending) with other orphans. From a very young age, she showed strength uncharacteristic of girls her age and stature, but also being very troublesome since the age of 5. She tried to solve problems no one else could see and her stubbornness almost always got her in trouble with other kids and her caretakers.   At age 6, she was adopted by a local family of cobblers. They made her work hard to help them earn their keep. As usual, her stubbornness and outrageous thinking started getting her in trouble. She was deemed "lazy" as she thought she should be in school or playing. But she made fast friends with other children, she had a very strong presence and used her strength to protect other kids. Again, this put her in trouble many times as she did not care whom she was crossing. One other thing that did not help was her always telling the truth, being unable to avoid the consequences of her actions many times.   During her childhood, she started bonding with some other children in the city, including someone that would become very special in her life: a younger girl named Kaia.   She was nonetheless blessed by fate not to suffer any particularly serious consequence, but the cobbler family passed her on to a tailor family, and then to a stable keeper, and so on. She did not mind it, she did not mind not having a name. She just knew she was right and the grown ups were wrong, it was just confusing why they wouldn't see it as clearly as she did. There was only one person that stood by her when no one else would: her friend Kaia.   Later in life, she would grow closer and closer to Kaia, eventually falling in love with her. They entered a relationship in their teenage years, it was the happiest she had ever been. But her status as hollow started to get the best of her, she started to doubt herself, and began to think she was going to pull Kaia down with her social stigma. That self-defeating feeling from Alex brought too much strain to the relationship, bringing it to an end.   With that, she decided to leave the city, tired of not being a real person, thinking she was not good enough for Kaia. She jumped on the next caravan going to Volfar. She was crying of sadness for the first time.   On their way to the county capital, a few people from the caravan were ambushed by a pack of wolves, Alex helped fend them off. This impressed the merchant running the caravan. She talked to him about her naming problem (or lack of) and he suggested she join the High Guard/army as a means to overcome that. She thought this sounded like a great way to prove herself worthy and do what she liked to do best: defend others.   In Volfar, things were complicated for a while, the merchant helped put in a good word for the hollow girl, but there were a few complications. They accepted her, but assigned her to menial jobs and there was little push for her to improve her social standing.   All of that changed when she met Commander Tristan Shadowcrest, a ranking officer and also a champion, honorable and recognized by many in the capital. The girl had spirit, was incapable of lying and knew her way with a weapon. To the Commander, it was puzzling how she was not yet in the field.   She was honored by his choice, and trained hard, not only to become a skilled soldier, but a skilled negotiator as well. The commander taught her that, as much as its important to stand up for oneself and the weak, it is important to show others that there are other ways than violence for resolving conflicts.   She started accompanying the commander in the field, a squire of sorts. A lot of unfounded rumors began circulating, after all, how could such a distinguished commander trust an honorless brat? But she was used to much worse and paid no heed, she felt she was close to realizing her dream, to finally be honored and show everyone she was worthy. And maybe, be worthy of Kaia's love.   One day, the commander received a mission to escort a VIP from outside the Highlands back to Volfar. As this was a routine assignment through well-known territory, he picked a small detachment of trusted soldiers for the trip. At this point having established herself better within the guard, Alex was leaving the Highlands for the first time, she was thrilled.   Unfortunately, during the mission, the party was ambushed by a Normar raiding party on their way back. Fighting was savage, and the commander dispatched most of the attackers, but during the fighting, one of the raiders managed to poison him with a deadly toxin. The VIP, a young boy, was also critically wounded. As the battle started to wind down, he called Alex and told her he would not make it. It was up to her to continue his legacy and follow the archon oath. He would like to have more time to teach her, but this was a luxury they would not gain. Taken aback at first by all of that, she just did what felt right, and repeated the oath after him, the words reverberating with deep, mysterious voices echoing hers.   When she was done, everything that came before clicked together. This was her destiny. Her mentor and father figure was gone, but mourning had to come later. She felt empowered and instinctively used her newfound powers to heal the noble boy, she picked up a wicked looking axe from a fallen attacker, her old spear shattered during the battle, and rallied the remaining survivors to rout the enemy. Their charge saved, the party carried the bodies of the fallen back to Volfar.   Back in the Highlands, a grand funeral service was held for Commander Shadowcrest. As part of his will, the Commander let Alex carry his name from then on. The young noble, grateful for his life, would present Alex to the duke/count and she picked her name: Alexandra Victoria Shadowcrest.   Her new life finally beginning, she specifically picked an assignment to help enforce the Count's authority in Brille by working in conflict resolution in the newly uncovered Zrand excavation. It was an opportunity to go back to her hometown and oversee an important operation.   But most importantly, to see Kaia again.


Brille Orphanage, High Guard


High Guard

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Kaia, honesty, Volfar, chocolate Dislikes: the Normar, nepotism, cheap gear, prejudice


Always in pristine state of hygiene and cleanliness.

Beautiful, mysterious woman trying to bring order to chaos and helping humanity achieve its former glory.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft 7 - 1.70m
125 lbs - 58k