Books For Tots

It's so hard to keep books stocked in our world, especially ones that children will enjoy. Thanks to the Prismata Archives and their charity, we now have yearly supply drops to keep our libraries well stocked.
— TBN Children's Librarian
    This organization is a charity focused on providing reading materials and offering literacy programs to young readers across the realms. The Prismata Archives believe in both keeping stories safe from erasure, but that they should also be shared. There are librarians of Iparios dedicated solely to working for this organization.    

Mission Statement

In order to keep literature safe, we must ensure that those who come after are able to enjoy these beautiful tomes and stories. It's important we instill a love for reading in as many young minds as we can. No matter their location, language, or circumstance, we will do our best to supply children with the support and tools they need to explore the world of reading in a safe and enjoyable manner.
— Founder


  Their main service is providing a variety of books to locations across the multiverse. They serve children from birth to 19. There is a yearly book drive to help provide for this mission. In instances where material isn't available in a realm's or culture's language, a linguistics employee will partner with a librarian to translate stories as needed.   A sub division provides educational programs to the children. Their aim is to help with overall literacy rates, reading enjoyment, comprehension, and critical thinking with regards to their media consumption. Staff also have conversations with them to help discover what genres they would enjoy for a more personalized experience.   Another division helps new realms or worlds that are rebuilding after disasters to establish new libraries of their own.
Service Location


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