Everlasting Rations

I remember back when all we had was dried fish, meats, hard tack, and trail mix. It's nice to have a little more variety while on the road. It helps keep the spirits up on particularly long missions.
— TBN archivist
    All archive employees are granted a supply of traveling rations to take with them on jobs outside of Iparios. This particular set was invented by a disgruntled member who grew tired of the same few options. They provide a variety in nutrients, taste, and have options for dietary restrictions. Each ration pack is shelf stable for six years.    

Special Packaging

  Each ration is processed and sealed to provide its long shelf life. Meals with individual componants have the items sealed in their own packaging. The individual packets are then grouped up and stored in a larger bag. A weather, temperature, and moisture resistant material was developed to create the various packaging used.    


  No matter the meal, all ration packs have the same standard items to go with them. These include: utensils, napkins, heating packs, a snack, and a drink powder containing electrolytes. There are also disposable eat and drink ware available for those who don't have their own or to use in a pinch.    


  Each componant of a ration pack has a list of options for employees to choose from to fit their tastes and needs. The foods are either freeze dried or magically preserved and are simple to prepare. Some items can be eaten as is while others simply need to have hot water added or be heated in general.  


  • Beef stew
  • Fried rice
  • Pork buns


  • Mashed potatos
  • Corn bread
  • Baked beans


  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Hot cocoa


  • Cake
  • Cookies
  • Pudding


  • Trail mix
  • Cheese crackers
  • Jerky
  • Type
    Packaged Meal
    Used by
    Traveling Employees
    Created by


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