Lucky Trinket

All employees receive their own trinket upon acceptance into the archives. Each one is unique just like the individual mark employees receive as part of their oath.
— Tbn archivist
    These items are a time honored tradition that have been around for as long as anyone can remember. There is a specialized archivist in charge of collecting them and storing them away. New employees are brought to the storage area to pick out their lucky trinket.   Each item is only owned by one person. When its employee dies or leaves the archives for other reasons, their trinket is put on display in a memorial hall. It's stored in a secure glass case. Below it is a plaque with the employee's name, division, and dates of service engraved on its surface.    

Peace of Mind

  The main function of the trinket is to serve as a good luck charm. Employees of the archives hold the belief that carrying their special item will bring luck and protection during their endeavors. It's also used as a form of identification. There is a log that notes which employee has which trinket.    


  No one can fully agree on where exactly these items come from. There is only ever one archivist active in procuring these trinkets at any given time. What can be agreed upon is that they appear to come from multiple sources.    

Selection Process

  A lucky trinket is never forced upon an employee. It's not a requirement, but is strongly recommended upon them starting. If one refuses a trinket at initiation, they are welcome to select one any time in the future if they change their mind.   The trinket selection is the last part of the employee's on boarding before they are set lose to do their work. The archivist in charge brings them to the storage room and lets them peruse to their leisure. Employees are encouraged to take their time and find one that calls out to them.    

Notable Trinkets

  Below you will find a list of noteworthy trinkets held by past and present employees.    
  • A metal antler with ruby inlays
  • A small journal bound in griffon leather
  • A dragon's eye preserved in resin
  • Type
    Small item
    All employees


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