Opal Guard

I'm not good at combat, but thanks to the guard I can accomplish my missions and material transports with ease of mind. If you're lucky, you can have the same paladin assigned to you each time.
— TBN archivist
    Recognizable by their multi-colored gear, the Opal Guard is the main security force of Iparios. They consist of paladins sworn to protect the archives, its employees, and their collections. Any member who breaks their oath is immediately dealt with.    




This is the starting rank for all paladins. They rarely go on field missions unless they are deemed lowest risk. Most opals are assigned as basic security for the different buildings located within the archive grounds.  

High Opal

After two years of extra combat training, paladins can become a high opal. They are assigned low to medium risk missions along with higher risk security posts.  


After ten years of service as a high opal, paladins have the opportunity to raise to radiant. This rank also requires two years of specialized combat training. It can be initiated at the start of a high opal's eighth year of service if they have thoughts of promoting.   Radiants handle most of the high risk missions and fill in elsewhere as needed. They rarely serve security detail within the archive grounds.  

High Radiant

There are no years of service requirement for promotion to high radiant. Paladins are hand selected for this rank from the lower tier. The leader of the Opal Guard oversees this. They will reach out to members who show significant bravery, initiative, and willingness to take on harder tasks.  


  • Mission escorts
  • Oath breaker hunting
  • Facility security
  • Defense against creatures


      Most of the guard wear full metal plate while others prefer leather or mail armor. It depends on preference and type of job tasked to the paladin. All metal pieces are light colored with a prismatic sheen. Their weapons and shields are adorned with opal inlays.
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    Aug 3, 2024 22:16 by Marjorie Ariel

    I love the continuation of the opal theme, from their armor to their names.