
Alue is a Naree Kreanes that, while escaping from her past, crossed a portal that sent her to Adea a couple years ago. Since then, she's been living with Ashtarians, learning their ways and words, and helping them rebuild as much as she could.


Alue used to love wearing short clothes, mostly because her hometown's constant hot temperatures, but after a few accidents at work, giving her a couple scars and burns, caused for not wearing protective clothes, she started wearing long clothes and got used to it. She usually wears a turban to avoid her hair get in the middle of her job, leaving a couple holes in it for her horns to stick out because otherwise it feels claustrophobic.


She's very optimistic and always wears a smile. Especially after starting to live with Ashtarians, she tries her best to hide bad feelings as she thinks the Ashtarians have suffered much more than her and don't need someone else pouting about their life. She enjoys creating things and has made it her hobby to find new ways to improve the Cloudraft.

She's struggling a bit to adapt to her new home even though she's trying her best and people already seem to have welcomed her. She's never learnt a different language before and all the different new things constantly overwhelm her, so she tends to stick with a few people she's got to know fairly well and doesn't interact with other people.


Before Adea

Alue used to live in Dhalgron and worked as an engineer for lava-based technology. Engineering was her life, she loved coming up with ideas and repairing/dismantling machines, but she struggled at team work and expressing her ideas, which made people never take her into consideration when doing research or designing new machines or improvements to the current ones.

The last few weeks she lived in Dhalgron were spent on working on her own prototype for a new machine. She made it from scratch, even managing to make some sketches and designs that where legible for other people, and her best friend Tom paid for the materials she needed. It all was going wonderfully until Tom stole her design, prototype, and notes and claimed it as of his design.

After the incident, people started despising her. Tom, as a rich person with much more political influence than her, had claimed that she tried stealing the machine and no one trusted her anymore. Then, on her last day in Dhalgron, she found out Tom had payed a mercenary to kill her so his secret could never be claimed as true.

She had never left Dhalgron beforehand, so when she left the city, she was going blind into the world and got into the first carriage that accepted her and her lack of money. One night, before the carriage had reached its location, she woke up in the middle of the night, finding herself surrounded by no one else and no carriage, yet someone must had caused the strange sound from the forest that woke her up.

With no intention to discover the origin of the strange sound, and being left alone in the middle of a forest by the carriage, with no direction of where to go, she randomly picked a direction and started walking without thinking twice. As she was walking, strange sounds started behind her, which made her start running in panic. In this run, is where she saw a portal for the first and last time, she didn't think twice and crossed it.


The crossing of the portal left her in the air, on a sunny side of the planet, far away from her previous home. With a quick look at her surroundings, she saw an island fairly close by and tried to "swim" in air to reach the island, and while it failed, it called the attention of a flying Ashtarian, who quickly went and saved her from falling to her death.

Once they both were safe and sound on an island, a thousand questions rushed to her brain and she started spit-balling them, only to get no answer as she quickly realized that her saviour wasn't understanding her.

She was brought to a ruined city, that she quickly learnt was named Aeria. There, there was a lot of people without home, living in the skeletons of the buildings of what seemed to once be a great city, maybe even bigger than Dhalgron.

The next couple years were a struggle for her. She had to learn as much as possible of the language people spoke (and there were multiple languages! But she decided learning the one from her saviour, who stuck near her and guided her), learned the new cultures, and helped as much as she could both with her engineering knowledge and learning to fix buildings.

Most of her working time was spent helping to fix, improve and install Cloudrafts across the different islands of Adea.


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Jul 17, 2024 13:59 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Wow, Tom sucks. Throw the whole man away.   I am glad Alue is getting a better life now she is in Adea. I hope one day she reaches her true potential.   Some typos: 'Adea used to live in Dhalgron' I think this should be Alue. 'She had never left Adea beforehand' I think this should be Dhalgron

Jul 17, 2024 15:43 by Catoblepon

Yeet the man. And thanks for pointing out the typos! Took me a bit to see them cuz Alue and Adea are too similar xD

Aug 8, 2024 18:37 by Rin Garnett

You know you're absolutely terrified if hopping into a mysterious portal seems like the best option! I'm sure she's homesick, but I hope Adea proves a nicer, Tom-free place to live in the long-term. They need someone to improve those cloudrafts...

Aug 8, 2024 21:24 by Catoblepon

I'm glad I've written the feelings good enough! Adea is Tom-free (at least about that Tom and she's very welcomed in there and needed for the Cloudrafts, so I'm sure she's gonna be great :D

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