
Lasirath is an unstable floating island in Adea. Since its apparition, it has been breaking apart and crashing into itself, rendering the island an inhabitable island and forcing its previous inhabitants to leave everything behind or die.


The island of Lasirath is the remnants of a prairie area of Ashtara that had two towns and a river crossed through it. It had a nice breeze and smelt of all the flowers that used to grow in it.

Both towns used to work together, one focused on growing a wide variety of flowers to sell, and the other one focused on bees and honey.

The crossing of the void killed most plant life and with it, most cattle. The future island was still "attached" to a bigger landmass, and people mostly survived from the food they had saved up and from help from other closer towns, but a lot of rationing had to be done.

After the void

As the area left the void, it quickly broke into a few islands, Lasirath being the biggest island. The first few month, people in Lasirath tried to recover, planting whatever seeds they had left and merging both towns. They seemed to go well, and people started to get accustomed.

But that ended quick when, one week, the island started to break up. It wasn't too quick of a process but neither slow enough to not be noticed. People started to panic. Thankfully, or so they thought, the island stayed afloat and fairly together as the roots of the dead trees seemed to hold it together.

For a few weeks, all seemed stable enough, but the inhabitants managed to get in contact with other islands and specially, with Aeria. But then the island started to crash with itself. The broken pieces of it started joining again, but parts of it joined too much, causing "fake mountains".

After this second event, people started working with Aeria to set down a Cloudraft so they could leave this place, but all attempts to set down a Cloudraft ended up as useless, as the land of the island was too weak and kept breaking under the pressure.

For the following few months, weekly groups of flying people from Aeria (together with flying people from Lasirath) worked to move as many people from the island to Aeria while the island kept breaking and crashing.

Nowadays, the island is inhabited, and the only thing that remains there are the ruins of the two old towns.


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Jul 22, 2024 23:11 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is so sad. It must have been terrifying to the inhabitants. :(

Jul 22, 2024 23:23 by Catoblepon

Yeah :(

Aug 8, 2024 18:07 by Rin Garnett

I'm glad everyone was able to get off the island before it completely crumbled. How terrifying it must have been to have some hope with the Cloudraft, only to watch it fail and make the island crumble more D:

Aug 8, 2024 21:33 by Catoblepon

You've been really putting the feelings of the articles in words and it makes me so happy to see that the feeling I've tried conveying are there!

Aug 21, 2024 02:10

One of the downsides of a floating island is that gravity is the only thing keeping it together. Just add enough force from something to collide, and everything falls apart.

May you forever find your way on the journey you set out on and make yourself greater.
The Sagas world cover
Aug 21, 2024 11:55 by Catoblepon
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