Radent Species in Iphars | World Anvil


Radent are roden-like creatures that are mostly seen living with Ialins, especially since they started appearing in Iphars.
They are social creatures and called "an ialin's best friend". They are so related to Ialins that the Melgent consider a disrespect to the Ialins to have a Radent pet.

Basic Information


Radent are small rodent like creatures. They have short fur with the exception of their long tails that end up in a fan of long fur as well as the tip of their ears, and their skin is pink (which can be seen on their tail and legs. Their fur can be brown, white, gray, or black, with markings of different colours on it, and they have long whiskers around their nose.


Because Radents are very social creatures, the choosing of a mate is not as simple as choosing the Radent with best characteristics.
Althought Radents with longer fur on their tails and ears seem to be preferd, the most important part of choosing a mate seems to be the bonding between two Radents. It is very rare to see a Radent mate with another one if they barely know each other.
In wild communities, one can see that many of the couples formed are Radents that have known each other since pups. Domestic radents, althought having lost the opportunity to chose a mate (as the only other Radents nearby are usually their children or their Ialin mate's Radent), they still bond with the one to be their mate before doing anything.
When time to mate approaches, one can see Radents bathing more than usual and trying to make their long fur appear longer and shinier.

Genetics and Reproduction

Once a mate is chosen, the male fertilizes the female and after a month of pregnancy, the female will birth 2 to 6 pups.
Domestic Radents will mate approximate at the same time as Ialin while wild Radents mate when they have an abundancy of food and winter is not near.

Growth Rate & Stages

  • Infancy: this stage lasts about two weeks. The little Radent cannot walk (for the firsts days at least), see, and does not have ears. Its fur will start growing after 8 to 10 days.
  • Adolescence: lasts a few weeks. When they are two weeks old, their eyes finally open. During the nexts weeks, its going to be very active and will start eating solid food. The males reach mature sexuality between 5 to 10 weeks old; females between 8 to 12 weeks old.
  • Adulthood: they are considered adults once they reach mature sexuality.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are omnivore animals, with their favourite food being berries of all types.
Domestic radents are used to eat meat and berries while wild radents are used to eat berries and other tipes of fruits, sometimes adding bugs to their diet. Radents that come from a family that have been a long time with Ialins have shown stronger and more canine-like teeth than wild radents.

Additional Information

Social Structure

As said, Radents are social creatures.
Wild Radents live in communities of 20 to 50 members. In them, there is not a stablished leader, althought elder Radents are usually asked when in need of wisdom or knowledge. Elder and ill are helped as much as posible but they do not hesitate to kill them if the elder or ill wants to.
Domesticated Radents attach themselves to nearby Ialin and Radents to an extreme and often falls in depression if is left alone.


Radents are familiar animals, they take care of their children until they are adults and even after that, children visit the parents pretty often. When the parents fall sick or eldery, the children take care of them.


A high percentage of Radents are considerated domesticated even thought barely any people have them as pet.
They are considerated domesticated because of the Ialin, who live with Radents usually as a pet or another familiar. Oddly enough, domesticated Radents are more aggressive to anyone outside their lives than wild Radents.

An Ialin best friend

Ialins and Radents have a close relationship that comes from before The dawn of magic.
Ialins when they are born, pick a Radent as their friend and they will be friends until dead. Because Radents living with Ialins do not have their community, they can get depressed fairly easy if their Ialin leaves for too long.
Radents tend to birth to their pups at a time similar of the Ialins' eggs hatch. Radents that are with a Ialin also display an unique pattern on their fur of an unnatural color, which is believed to be the Ialins magic's mark, and is also believed that these marks represent the names that Ialin give to their Radents.
This interspecies friendship is a double edged knife. When an Ialin dies, a Radent falls in depression and stops eating until they die. If the Ialin dies near the Radent, the Radent will stay near their friend's body and one can find the corpses as if they were sleeping together one last time. If a Radent dies before their friend, the Ialin follows a similar death, but they also cry their Radent's names from time to time.
Unknown (otherworldy)
Wild: 5-7 years
Domesticated: 15 years
Average Weight
40 gr (1.4 oz)
Average Length
Body: 7.5-10 cm (3-4 in)
Tail: 5-10 cm (2-4 in)

Relation with Melgent

Melgent try not to deal with Radents too much for two reasons:

  • Fear of an Ialin being nearby and attacking them.
  • They respect Ialin and believe these species are propiety of Ialin, so they are left alone.
Even thought they try to leave them alone, a Melgent will not hesitate to help an injured Radent. This usually needs an Ialin's approval (usually they just follow the Melgent).

World change

When The dawn of magic happened and the new species where appearing, many died in the process, the Radent being some of them.
This lead to Dagetel to start a campaing to save the Radent so that they would not die which would cause Ialin to die. Read more here.

Cover image: by Vertixico


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