Spotted lies

Spotted lies are an amphibian with hallucinogenic skin from Ashtara who are currently in risk of extinction while trying to adapt to Adea, a fully different environment than theirs.


This creature is similar to a frog, with deep green skin covered with bright yellow and blue spots. On its back, there is a pair of dragon-fly-like wings, covered by a thin carapace of the same colouration as the skin.

Their colourful skin isn't only for appearance, its a warning to depredators as their skin hold a powerful hallucinogen that starts affecting the victim as soon as the lies are touched.

They are named "Spotted lies" because the spotted pattern they have on the skin and because of all the "lies" from the hallucinations they cause.


These frogs used to live in a swamp that was away from civilisation. When people approached them, they seemed to hide from people, but with a better look, these frogs stalked people until they left their territory. If people stayed on their territory for too long or approached their "home" too much, they would jump (and fly if needed) into their faces, causing them hallucinations from the contact with their skin and they kept jumping into people until these left the area.


Only a few of the frogs got to the void and even less reached Adea. In Adea, they don't have their habitat and are trying to survive however they can, which involved getting closer to civilisation and people without making them run away.

In general, its been hard to live closer to the frogs, but some people are trying to keep as many Ashtarian species alive and the lies are one of them. Keeping them alive, unfortunately, means having them in a fairly small enclosure in an environment that's fairly humid but not close enough to the swamp they used to live.


Author's Notes

This originally was an idea written for Bestiary February 2023!

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Jul 29, 2024 13:28 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love them. I love the fact that when they decide they've had enough they'll just FLY IN YOUR FACE.

Jul 29, 2024 20:34 by Catoblepon

It was too fun of an idea to not write it XD

Aug 8, 2024 17:54 by Rin Garnett

What sort of hallucinations do they cause? How long do they last? Does it affect all kinds of creatures? Has anyone harvested the hallucinogen for recreational use? I love these little amphibians, I hope they're able to adapt and survive in Adea!

Aug 8, 2024 21:47 by Catoblepon

They cause weirdeness in the sight of the victim, that causes them to move around with confusion, they often lasts a couple minutes, but it can be a minute more or less depending on the person/species/age. As far as people are aware it works in all kinds of creatures but the lies have a natural resistance too it and other species with hallucinogen skin often show a bit of resistance or take shorter to stop being affected. I haven't thought if it has been harvested, even less if for recreational use. Since they used to live away from civilisation, they probably weren't harvested a lot (surely some crazy person did tho) and probably some also used it recreational, but its not common or even rare. I'm glad you like them! :D

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