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Poisoned remains of golden god

What at first seems like a heavily damaged golden statue of a young elven boy is the dead body of a fledgling god.
The body is missing its whole left arm along with the shoulder and part of the torso. The right leg from the knee down and the left leg from half of the thigh down are also missing. The body also has several holes melted through ranging from the size of a grape to as large as a fist and half of the face seems to be burned as if by acid.
The remains are also highly poisonous to the touch and they seem to even poison the air around them. Even though keepers of these remains are naturally immune to all other poisons known to them the poison the remains spread somehow bypass this immunity.


The golden god manifested during the divine age in the merchant city-state of Yanta. Shortly after his manifestation, his physical form was destroyed by Sarpnnu the previous god of the city. Sarpnnu subsequently brought the city to ruin before he left. A few fervent followers of the golden god who survived the destruction of the city then took the remains of the god and escaped. They got to the coast and set sail on a ship along the coast of the continent. Eventually, they found an island now known as Kipto Isle. They established a base here intending to resurrect their god.
With this intention, they sought out and kidnapped numerous talented goldsmiths from the continent to repair the damaged remains. However, as it is not a normal golden statue but remains of god none of the goldsmiths were able to do anything with the damage, and due to its poisonous nature, most of them did not survive longer than a few days.
Since this approach did not work the frustrated followers eventually resorted to more ritualistic and occult practices. Namely sacrifice of humanoid species. This led to more kidnappings until the Mafeosea kingdom started to send their criminals to the island. The criminals provided stable import of sacrifices but as it seems it is still not enough...
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Current Location


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