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The hangman tree

The hangman tree is a title given to an ancient nature spirit inhabiting a tree used as a gallows. The spirit once controlled the whole forest surrounding the tree it is tied to and even thou the forest is long gone the spirit retains its power.
The power of this spirit is different from usual nature spirit powers. Due to the destruction of the forest, its powers over nature are largely limited but as it is used as a gallows its proximity to death allowed it to gain necromantic powers. It uses these powers to offer deals to mortals hanged on its branches. They either get resurrected and serve it as empowered living agents or stay death and become enslaved specters.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Like all other nature spirits, it can manipulate nature under its direct control. However, unlike other spirits, it also possesses immense necromantic powers. It uses these powers to protect itself and spread its influence beyond the reach of its roots and branches. It can offer deals to mortals hanging from its branches. If they agree the hangman tree will resurrect them after they suffocate and empower them with magical capabilities to serve as its servants to further its goal of destruction. If they deny it will bind their soul in the form of a specter tied to it to protect itself if anyone tries to attack it. The hangman tree also covertly kills birds that feed on the corpses and reanimate them into undead so it can keep an eye on its living servants and harras nearby settlements.

Personality Characteristics


The base motivation of the spirit is revenge. Originally it was revenge for the sake of remaking the forest that the spirit once controlled. However, as time went on and the powers of the spirit shifted from nature to necromancy the revenge became for the sake of revenge and destruction. Now all that remains is a desire to destroy the mortals and their civilization.


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