A Choice

Filavandrel’s heart was beating furiously. It beat so hard he swore he could hear it reverberating off of the stone walls. As Vormir lead him down the long twisting hallway Filavandrel only grew more nervous. The torches on the wall flickered away the darkness but he was still scared. He had never been allowed in this part of the castle, in fact he had been forbidden from entering it. As they went down the spiraling stairs the air grew warmer. The heat was smothering and Filavandrel grew restless. The warmth attacked everyone of his senses. It became hard to breathe and the walls began to look wavy. Finally they got to the end of the stairs, the heat now was unbearable. A large imposing door stood in front of Filavandrel now. The door stood tall and straight, curving at the top. The hinges were holding up this mass of iron and wood with everything they had. Vormir looked to Filavandrel now. “Are you ready, little one? Past this door you will have to make a choice, a very important one, I dare say the most important choice of your life.” he asked. Filavandrel only nodded. Vormir grabbed the handle and leaned in, opening it.   Filavandrel stood in awe as he entered the room. Now he knew why it was so hot. Large clear pipes that crawled across the walls were pumping lava around the room. Like a vein moving blood through the body. Little nests made of straw and sticks were being suspended from the ceiling by chains, in these nests small colorful eggs. Filavandrel tapped one of them and watched gleefully as it rocked back and forth. “Leave it be, child.” Vormir said, grabbing Filavandrel by the shoulder. “Those eggs aren't ready for anyone yet, these are the ones you will be choosing from.” He pushed Filavandrel in front of a wooden table, atop it were three eggs. These ones were much bigger and much more colorful than the ones in the nests. “These are for me?” Filavandrel asked.   “One of them is.” Vormir chuckled. “You must choose one. Filavandrel stood stumped. He studied each egg, running his hand over each one. The one on the left was black and scaled. It was a sea of darkness with little golden flecks scattered all around it. The egg in the middle was scaled as well but this one was green, with brown spiralling all the way down it, it was much rougher than the last one. The last egg(scaled as well) was much different than the other two. It was a deep blue, like a vast ocean. Just looking at it made Filavandrel feel cooler, for a moment he forgot how hot the room was.         “Go on, pick one.” Vormir said, pushing Filavandrel closer to the table “How do I know which one is the best?” he asked “Which one do you think is best?” Filavandrel thought for a moment as he brushed his hand through his jet black hair. “This one!” he squealed, picking up the blue egg. “A fine choice young one. From this moment you and that egg are one, a team, till the end of your days. You will have to hatch it and once you do, you will need to train with it. A rider and their dragon must be one.” “I’ve got this! Don’t worry!” Filavandrel said, hugging the egg.