Aingael Marin Character in Ire | World Anvil

Aingael Marin

Captain Aingael Marin controls the Empire's naval fleet, and a practitioner of magic, but that's jumping ahead. She was born in The Twins to Peytr and Emlia Marin. Her father chose her name from the words of Entish meaing, silver.    Aingael was her parent's second child, so her father's seat was out of her reach. So she reached out for what she loved, the ocean. Her father gaver her command of The Twins's ships and gave her his prize ship Dragon's Grace. She would take her crew on several voyages over the years. Some for buisness, and some for pleasure. It was on one of these voyages that she found her prize possesion, The Ring of Gales. With it Aingael can control the wind, and is a master of air.   During the Second Dwarf war The Emperor's Royal Captain died, and he sent of Aingael and no other. She of course accepted and got her famed ship, Sky-Strider.
Year of Birth
1789 294 Years old
The Twins