Alfred Character in Ire | World Anvil


"Alfred was the bravest no-body Ire has ever seen."-Essus the Demon Snaked. Alfred was a peasant who worked the fields of Greenshire. When his true lord, Filavandrel, was slain he gathered his courage and his coin and ran to find the true heir. Everything he knew and trusted was on that farm but he left it behind. When he found the heir, Veli, he pledged himself to him and became his farmer. Alfred never had a passion for battle but something about Veli inspired him and when the Battle for Greenhaven began he picked up a sword. He fought well that day, but he took a crippling injury to his leg, he walked with a cane everyday after that.   A hero of battle Alfred still felt like his purpose was not yet met. He convinced Veli to send him to Greenhaven as a spy. When he returned he acted out his old life, but it was not long until he was discovered. The Ealdorman's husband discovered him, Alfred threw dirt in his eye and killed him in cold blood. He then returned to Alton and gave his information. Even as a cripple his courage was never stunted. When the Bullks invaded the Isles Alfred stayed behind in Alton so that Riderson's children could escape, and that is where he lost his life.
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