Arbor Gigan Character in Ire | World Anvil

Arbor Gigan


Arbor was born to Dlain & Marcey Gigan near the end of The Egg War. As firstborn Arbor knew one day he would lead his Clan and control the Hundruð Mine. Being as such he pushed himself constantly, he wished for nothing more than to prove himself to his father, but after The Egg war ended Eldre fell under a time of uneasy peace.    Arbor's father would not die in combat, but from cracking open his skill in the Mine, and his mother had died prior during a stillbirth. When Arbor took the crown the Clan was in a state of weakness and fear, so nearly the first thing he did as King was take a wife. He then appointed his sister Glenda as Chief Commander of the Mine, and lead the Clan to dig even deeper than before.   After decades of waiting Arbor would finally have to the chance to properly prove himself. Clan Bronloch had discovered and raided a completly new land, and now its people had come for vengance. Upon hearing about the Invasion, Arbor put his smiths into overdrive to produce armor, weapons, and fortifications, while he consripted Jomsvikings from North Eldre into his army.
Year of Birth
2029 54 Years old
Ruled Locations