Ardlui Settlement in Ire | World Anvil


Arlui is the central village of Clan Bronloch. It sits to the side of the ocean. It is through the ocean that Clan Bronloch survives. The sailors of Bronloch are Vikings, meaning they sail to a new land, raid it for resources and return home. They also rely on the ocean for food. Whale hunting is common--whale hunters earn the same if not more respect than the Vikings.   Ardlui is well defended by strong sturdy walls, armed with rectangular towers. The only way in is through the gate or through the ocean. Clans Bronloch and Torc have gone to war dozens of times but Clan Torc has never once made it into Ardlui. The town's most famous land mark is their Great Tree Totem. It is a 50ft carved tree totem--dedicated to, and shaped like the Ire Tree. They believe it appeases the tree and gives them fair winds. The town is also home to many Heden Pagans. It is true that most of them left for the Southern Isles when they were chased out of The Vale, but some chose to sail north to Ardlui, and its neighboring villages. The head of the clan, Angus Bronloch resides over and defends the town.
Large town

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