Astras Species in Ire | World Anvil


Astras on the surface are a maiden of beauty, but are truly a monster of horror in waiting. A Astra is a monster in disguise. Astras tend to stalk in woodland areas and usually only come out at night. An Astra will take the form of a beautiful woman and approach lone men on the roads. They seduce their target and mate with them. Doing this however is a mistake as once you have slept with an Astra it will take on your form and look exactly like you. Once it transforms into its target it hunts down and kills people close to the victim, mothers, fathers, friends, lovers. Once they have done this they return to the target and eat their heart. Then going back to their woods to do the same again.     No one has ever seen what a Astra really looks like as they are only seen once the have picked a target. By then it's already to late.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

These monsters are only known as Astras in The Vale. The rest of the world knows them as the Succubus.
Scientific Name