Avaloch the Traitor

Avaloch was a pure blood elf and a member of The Creed of Light's High Council. Despite his name he was nothing but faithful to the Creed. He earned his name because before joining the Creed he was Emperor Faelin Ularic's trusted advisor, and was even somewhat of a second in command. When Vaelock the chosen came to Avaloch and told him of the mandate God had given him Avaloch betrayed the Emperor. Vaelock told him to wear his title like a badge. "Keep your name, never forget what you have sacrificed. God does not forget, but he does forgive. He knows what you have done for him, and you shall be rewarded."    Avaloch was a master conjuror.  In the siege of Reshire he broke down the walls with a legion of Elemental servants made of stone and rock. His conjured army bashed themselves into the wall repeatedly until they were inside the city.(Avaloch would have just liked to summon them inside the city but a protective charm was laid on Reshire preventing it.) Only mage soldiers were able to put the elemental's down, no blade or mace could break them. It was only with water magic that they were stopped. Even still Avaloch's stone men took the city for the Creed.   The Traitor died when the temple was sacked in 1319
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