Battle of Sanctum Pass

In 2064 of the Golden Age a civil war broke out between Heden pagans and the Sunian church. The church was backed by the King and by extension all of the Holds in The Vale. Despite their disadvantage the Heden people put up a hell of a fight, like the battle of Sanctum Pass. Chieftain Stork attempted to sneak a force of men from Greenhold to Rainhold through The Greater Hills. It took Stork a little over a fortnight to get through the hills and to his dismay he was not as stealthy as he had hoped.    The Golden Horde of Rainholm was waiting for him when he reached Sanctum pass, and it was lead by Elanor Trueborn, daughter to Ealdorman Eric Trueborn. Stork knew his plan was destined for failure the second he saw the golden horse standards flying through the air, but he still put up one hell of a fight. Elanor lead the first charge, in the front lines. In doing so she cut the pagan's force to half. Chief Stork had brought spell casters with him who send ice and snow all through the air. Horses froze to death and soldiers found ice spikes in their bellies.   Elanor stayed strong, archers fired from the hills, and with the second charge the pagans were defeated. Stork was captured alive and brought to the Ealdorman. He was not sentenced to death however, instead he sits prisoner in the Rainholm dungeons to this day.

The Conflict


The Heden people's failure at Sanctum Pass could have contributed to them loosing the civil war. They lost a lot of fighting men that day.
Included under Conflict
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Conflict Result
The larger pagan army was weakened.


The Golden Horde

Led by


32,000 horsemen

