Berg Settlement in Ire | World Anvil


Berg is a large Dwarven village in the Eldre mountains. It sits on one end of the Shiver Pass. Berg is looked after and ruled by Skor Icesword of Clan Dugna. Clan Dugan and Berg have spent generations defending the pass from monster and Reavers. Berg is home to a great landmark, The Stark Wall. It is the border and defense between the Pass and the rest of Eldre. The Stark wall has and will be manned by Dugna Dwarves for hundreds of years. Being in the pass it is cold frozen over most days of the years, but the Dwarves within have hearts that burn bright. They enjoy games and festivals very often to distract themselves.   Berg's most recurring foe is that of the Ratmen. The monster attack Dwarves in the pass and in the past have even made attempts on the village itself.
Large town

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