Castle Black

Castle Black is one of the four Black Dagger strongholds in The Vale, and is the most famous. It sits along the Vandrel River and in-between Furtinshire and King's Hold. In its prime it was a glorious spectacle originally built by the ancient Eagle Clan, but over the years it has been sacked many times. It was first broken into by the Nathair in 987 and stayed that way until the Daggers took it over in 1009. It was then put to the test against the army of the undead when they attacked Xares(history books only tell of the undead's attack on the capital but they attacked Castle Black as well). The castle was hurt in the attack but the Daggers held strong. It was then attacked by the Nathair once more in the Snake War of 2010. Most recently it was attacked by the Bullks in their invasion. Despite all the attacks Castle Black still stands today and is still home to its monster hunting masters. It is a little worse for wear at the moment but it has been fixed before and it will again.   When the Daggers were reforming after the Snake War The Black Dagger Germand chose Castle Black to start the growth. Because of this most of the Castle Masters originally started at Castle Black.   "Germand shook his head to try and stay awake but the soothing song of the river was lulling him off to slumber. The birds were just beginning to wake and sing their tunes when Germand finally arrived. It was just like he had remembered, granted he had only been to Castle Black twice in his life. It was much more run down however. Stands and training posts in the courtyard were knocked over and strewn about. Rot had begun to take place in all of the wood supports and crossbeams. Moss and dust covered the stone walls and stairs. Germand dismounted his steed and looked at the dirt yard." -Changing Fate
Outpost / Base