Castle Ire Building / Landmark in Ire | World Anvil

Castle Ire

Today a ruin in the mountains, and overgrown with vines, but in its time--The largest castle ever built. The Lord, Omar Red-Hand conscripted Elven arcitects to make the most lavish castle in Eldre. Castle Ire was finished in 1082, and Omar swiftly sent riders declaring him to be the new lord of the Granite Tundra. It is said that when his enemies dre closer to the castle Omar panicked, and consorted with demons to keep his power. As the marching army simpy vanished come morning. No bodies to mourn, and not a single footprint. In doing this Omar struck a bargain with the Lords of the Underworld--one that he did not keep. In 1094 Castle Ire went up in flames and by the time the sun rose it was all gone.
Founding Date