Commander Hafi

Being from Clan Torc in Eldre Hafi has seen much bloodshed and ruin. Eventually Hafi had enough, he built a long-ship and left his home and his clan behind. He sailed for months and months with no destination in site. As he lay in his ship, dehydrated and starving he believed his time had come, but he was oh so wrong. As he drifted off to the other side his ship struck land. It crashed on the coast of a town called Alton. The Chieftain of this town found Hafi, took him back and nursed him back to health. The second Hafi could stand he asked for a job, a purpose, anything. So the Chieftain gave him a job tending to the fields as a farmer.   It wasn't long until the Chieftain noticed Hafi's skill for combat. He came to the dwarf with a new job, he wanted Hafi to train the warriors of Alton. The dwarf hesitated at first, he had left Eldre to stop fighting, but he decided teaching others to fight could save lives, so he began training. Over time the dwarf began to get attached to his students, so much that when they left to take Greenhaven he insisted he had to go with them. Hafi fought in the shield wall alongside his human brothers, he ran through the breach and slew the Black Dragon's soldiers. Even though the battle ended up being lost The Chieftain was proud of Hafi, he gave him the title of Commander and Hafi swore and oath to the Lord. Now Hafi is one of the fiercest members of Veli's Circle.     "It is not death that scares me, it’s failure. I was there that day, when we were last here. I fought in the shield wall, I ran through the breach with the others, I saw their bloody duel, and all the hell it wrought..."-Riderson, Hafi   Hafi trained relentlessly with the soldiers. He barked at them each time they mistepped or made a mistake. He smacked their legs with a stave when their form was off. “Once more ya bastards! The first row of men crouches low with their shields, guarding the legs! The second row leans forward from the first, guarding the torso and upper body! The third row raises their shield above the second, guarding the head, and protecting from arrows! Hold the shields tight and stand firm! The wall, if done right, is unbreakable! Now shieldwall!”
Aligned Organization