
Crism is very rare but is the strongest material in the world. It is indestructible by normal means and can only be broken free from its veins by powerful magic. It is the very reason the Nathair first set foot in the Vale as crism can only be found in the mountain areas of the Vale and the Dwarven mountains. Very few can craft with crism but if is done correctly it is immensely strong and light. It can be made into anything from swords to replacement limbs. This would seem impossible but crism has magical properties that can connect with a brain, allowing it to be replacement limbs.   Thins made from Crism are highly sought after but even the richest of nobles can rarely get them. It is a hard mineral to find, there is only one defined mine of if in The Vale. It is also nearly impossible to forge. Only one forge in the world can move Crism, The Wyndigo Forge in the Desert.