Elementals Species in Ire | World Anvil


Elementals are a species of monster created by magic. The first elementals recorded were created by the Elves, who made them to help build, move things around and fight off more deadly monsters hunting them. Like their name implies Elementals are constructs made up of one of the four core elements(Fire,water,earth,air) Or that was the case until the witch Circi-The Black Dragon created her own elemental out of shadow(however wizards debate if what she made should be classified as an elemental. A mage is not always required to make a Elemental. There have been reports of naturally made ones, most likely made my spirits, but those are rare occurrences.     
  • Earth Elementals are the most common variety and the easiest to handle, however should not be overlooked. The Elven Mage, Avaloch-The Traitor once used an army of Earth Elementals to siege a city.
  • Water Elementals can be extremely deadly and devastating. The most powerful of them can sink entire naval fleets. It is lucky that one can not exist without being connected to a large source of water. They can however disguise themselves as nothing but a normal source of water
  • Fire Elementals are rare, which is good because they have a near unmatched level of power
  • Air Elementals are the rarest and most powerful of the Elementals. With the ability to turn invisible and fly, well no recorded fight with one has gone well for the challenger.
There are of course cross breeds within these four: Mud, ice, lava, and cloud, but those are usually cast by more adept mages and unlike the core for they can not be found in the wild