Everfall Keep

Everfall is one of and the smallest of the four Black Dagger strongholds. It earned its name because it is positioned very near the Crystal Falls in Furtinshire. It is said that you can see the fall's from atop the battlements and every morning the fall's fresh mist coats the castle. The Daggers of Everfall usually hunt in Greenshire and Furtinshire although the Castle Master Micheal has done dozens of contracts in Tir Orail.   Being the smallest castle the Daggers of Everfall usually keep a low profile and for the most part go unnoticed   "The party nodded and started down the worn dirt path. It was a long walk, full of heat. They crossed into the Malpine woods. The forest earned its name for its trees, which are always a beautiful maple color, even during winter. As the sun began to set they reached a great stone castle. It had six large stone towers and thick walls. The iron gate was beaten and rusted and a sigil of crossed daggers was burned into the chipped stone wall...."   "The dining hall was large and Chasmis. The ceiling reached upwards eighty feet. Large cut trees were being used as pillars and the west wall had a mural of a huge waterfall. There were 20 long oak tables with lit candles and utensils. There was a large lit fireplace on the east wall and five men were already sitting down and eating stew..." -Riderson

Articles under Everfall Keep