Fate's Dagger, Blood and Destiny

Barker could feel his joints begin to stiffen. The wind raged harder and the falling snow had become a wall of white all around him. The mountain's storm push and bashed Barker, the cold seeped into the Dagger's heart. Barker layed down on a rock and curled up. Sleep, I just need some sleep, Barker thought to himself and he closed his eyes. As the Dagger drifted off to sleep the faint glow of torches in the distance could be seen. Three dwarves found Barker huddled up on the rock. "Come on, lets take him back" one of the dwarves said. The three dwarves picked up Barker and took him into the wall of white.   Creeeeek! This is what Barker heard as he woke up in a wooden hut, surrounded by the three dwarves. Barker rubbed his forehead and sat up, pushing the furs that were ontop of him aside. "Where am I?" The Dagger asked swinging his feet off of the small bed.   "Our home. We found you just outside. The cold was sure to take you so we brought to back er."   "Mmhmh, thank you" Barker grumbled.   "The name is Gloin"   "Barker of Castle Black."   The dwarves looked at each other in surprise "Castle Black? So you are a Dagger then?   "I'm surprised you know of it, but yes I am."   "Aye we know of the Black Dagger holds. We know all about yer people, what ya can do."   Barker did not like where this was going. He got up and bowed his head as to not hit the ceiling. "Thank you for everything Gloin. It is time I get on my way."   "Wait Lord Dagger!" Gloin said stepping forward   "I am no lord"   "We have a job for ye, we can pay well."   "Wait kind of job?" Barker asked, his neck now stiffing up.   "Something is out there, in the snow. We get supplies from the town down below. But lately we have been finding our packages laying in the snow, damaged. The dwarf who was delivering it nowhere to be found."   "Perhaps you have lazy delivery men." The Dagger replied trying to creep towards the door.   "Aye we thought the same. So Valdi here went out half way to meet em, make sure we got what we needed and all. Valdi tell him what ya saw."   Valdi scratched his beard and spoke up. "It was night time when I saw it. The lad was about maybe a couple feet away, the night was clear. Than, in the blink of an eye a shadow zipped past me and the lad was gone. As he was taken away I heard em scream. You never heard a scream quite so loud. If you can find was out there Dagger we will pay you well. You have ma word."   Barker hesitated and thought. "I'll find you monster, free of charge."   "Now there is no need, we have quite enough"   "No. You saved my life, that's payment enough.   The Dagger stepped outside and stretched his head. The snow had stopped and the sheet of white had settled on the mountain top. Barked waited on the ridge pass, waiting for the delivery to come. He set up camp on the edge of the mountain. There he had a clear view of the valley below. The sounds of hammer on anvil echoed along the mountains as the smiths from the town below worked on new pieces. At night the torches would illuminate the vast valley. Barker waited there for 4 days and 3 nights. Sitting on the cliffside listening to the town below. It was like a beating heart within the mountains.   The Dagger sat sharpening his blade on the fourth night when he saw the package coming. He got to his feet and gripped his blade firm. He snuck his way to the dwarf, keeping a close watch on him. Barker barley saw it when it happened, the shadow from before tackled the dwarf to the ground. Unlike last time however it stopped. A tall lanky elf with white thin hair and grey skin pinned the dwarf down. "Leave him be!" The Dagger said raising his sword into a defensive stance. The elf stood up slowly, tilted his head and looked Barker in the eye.   "Look at this. I spend so much time hunting and this time my meal has come to me."   "Let the dwarf go."   The elf lifted his foot of the dwarf's chest and the dwarf ran for his life. "Gladly, you will provide me with much more than he would."   "What are you doing in the mountains?" Barker asked circling the elf. "Why would a vampire hunt here of all places?"   "Well" The vampire said slowly lifting his hands "I have my reasons" The vampire cracked it neck and SMACK! The vampire rushed Barker to the ground. The beast opened his mouth revealing his horrid fangs.   "Go on. Drink up" Barker said giving no fight.   "Nice try." The vampire said looking at the tattoo on Barker's wrist. "I know what Daggers do to their blood." The vampire shoved its pointed nails into Barker's shoulder.   Barker grabbed a clump of snow and shoved it into the vampire's eyes with his good hand. The beast reared back in shock and Barker got himself up. He slashed his sword across the vampire's face but the monster was not phased. POW! The vampire sacked Barker in the gut and sent him flying back. Barker stumbled to his feet, gripping his shoulder.   "You monster hunters are skilled fighters I will give you that. Yet I shall humble you and show you what true superiority looks like." The vampire mocked slowly walking forward. Barker charged the beast! He thrusted his blade at the vampire! Yet it mattered not, The vampire got the sword in his hand before it reached his heart. The monster let out a red light from his other hand and Barker's muscles grew weak.   The Dagger fell to his knees, he ability to move, removed from him. The vampire took Barker's sword in hand and raised it above the Dagger's neck. Barker looked up into the star filled sky, a light snow began to fall. "Fuck." Barker grumbled for one last time. His head drooped down as his own sword was ran down into his neck. The vampire took the sword and threw it off of the cliff. The monster stopped and smiled, and then walked away into the night   The Dagger's body joined the mountain as the snow covered his body. The monster hunter was put to rest by a monster, so is fate.