Flânerie of Vin Cultiver Character in Ire | World Anvil

Flânerie of Vin Cultiver

(a.k.a. The Wanderer)

  Flânerie the elf was born in 1489 on Vin Cultiver, the vineyard built by his grandfather. He was raised into the wine trade like the rest of his many siblings but when his father was struck down by a pixie in 1954 he decided to flee from his home to avoid his responsibilities as Vin Cultiver's new owner. He started his life as a vagabond by going to Eldre and mingling with the Dwarves. It was the Dwarves who taught Flânerie how to wield a blade (previously he relied entirely on his magic). From there he has traveled all across the world. He has studied magic in The Desert, he has drank with the pagans of the Southern Isles, and has learned the fighting style of the humans.   When the Great War between the Elves and the Humans began Flânerie chose to remain neutral, not picking a side, yet he did not keep his sword dry the entire time. The human armies made their way to his family's vineyard and sacked it. They killed his brothers, took his sister's captive and used them as playthings. They stationed themselves within his childhood home and helped themselves to the wine stores. Flânerie had not spoken to his family in centuries but when he heard of what happened he crossed the continent for vengeance. When he arrived at Vin Cultiver he had a pack of wolves behind him. He began cutting down the humans with the power of a Dhulka. His wolves ripped out throats and tore into the human's bellies. When every last human was dead he freed his sisters and stayed for a few months to help rebuild, but even with the war still waging he once again left.   Word of his deed spread through the war-torn country and to this day they sing of The Wanderer who brought justice and steel to the humans.    
Year of Birth
1489 594 Years old
Vin Cultiver