
Greenhaven is a proud town that has seen many hard ships. It is surrounded by large wooden walls that form spikes at the top. Atop these walls are watchtowers for archers to rain down fire. It has one large gate at it's entrance. In the center of the town is the Ealdorman's hall. Built like a large longhouse. The town has a farming settlement just outside the walls that are usually guarded by the Ealdorman's men. It has blacksmiths and shops, and a mead hall known as Hunter's Rest.     Greenhaven was built in a elven forest during the Snake-War(when the humans were forced out of The Vale) and it became a place of safe-haven for humans, thus why it was named Greenhaven. It's first Ealdorman was Germand of Castle Grey who had fled The Vale with everyone else during the war. He built it alongside many others and since he was the only warrior in the village he quickly took on a leader role. After the Great-War ended Greenhaven became the center of a new Valian shire--Greenshire, and Germand was named an Ealdorman. After he died it was passed down to his son Filavandrel-Hero of The Vale, who ruled as Ealdorman for 23 years. Until his banished daughter Circi returned home with an army and killed Filavandrel.   Circi then ruled over as Ealdorman for five years. Veli(Filavandrel's son & Circi's twin brother) returned and avenged his father, but Veli did not become the next lord. The King named Circi's newborn Borus as Ealdorman. Borus was raised by the church and "ruled" for 14 years. Yet recently history has repeated itself and Veli returned once more, this time with more support. Now Veli is Ealdorman and no one can say how long his rule will last. Hopefully he does not meet a fate like his Ealdormen before him       "This village, Greenhaven, sits on a lush field, surrounded by the most vibrant of green trees. When the winds blow in Greenhaven the long grass dances so lovely, like nobles at a ball." -Ballad of The Bard
Large town
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