Gundabod Character in Ire | World Anvil


No matter north or south, every Dwarf in Eldre fears and respects Gundabod. Gundabod was the first Dwarf to be created, and as his kin came into being he guided and led them against the perils within the mountains and beyond. Soon Gundabod became a great and mighty King, but there was one who challenged his rule. The Cyclops Armarath-The Unbroken.    Armarath laid deep within Iron Mountain and ruled his own Kingdome, but deep underground for he feared the wrath of the Giants. In 103 Gundabod assembled his deadliest Dwarves and led and attack on the Cyclops, but there were many twists and turns, and soon Gundabod was alone without any of his warriors. After sixty days the two Kings would meet withing the Heart of The Mountain. Gundabod drew his axe, but as he charge in he was stopped in his tracks! Armarath blew a powder in his face, and thw dwarf began to twist; his bones breaking, and blood coming from his eyes. Gundabod had now become a boar. Yet in beast form his nobility showed in his many great tusks and horns. Gundabod (or perhaps just a boar) sqealed and charged the Cyclops; running him in with his tusks!   Gundabod now roams over the lands he once ruled. Now a protector, and an omen. He is said to come down from the mountains to kill Kings he finds unworthy. Killing them like he did the Unbroken. The boar's skin in un-cutable, he runs faster than the wind, and has the strength of an Ox. It has become a common tradition for new Kings to seek out Gundabod, and either recive his blessing, or to prove him wrong by defeating him.