House Farman

House Farman of Fort Aerin actually started in Rainhold. As the Snake War was ending Korin Farman settled in the golden fields and made his trade along the Small River(now re-named to the Vandrel River) catching and selling fish. Eventaully his work would take him farther up the river, into Woldenshire. There along the river he found a small boy, alone and injured. Korin left his boat behind and carried the boy through the woods until the sun had set and rose again--until he reached Wolden. Mere moments after carrying the boy through they gate he was reconized. The boy was Jon Gray, son to the Ealdorman. For saving her boy's life the Ealdorman gave Korin Fort Aerin and named him Lord Farman.   Now days the Farmans still make their money on the water, just now on the lakes of Woldenshire. Lord Eric rules over the fort now and his brother, Parker serves the King in Xares as Master of Ships

We Come With The Tide

Family Leader