Irorc Settlement in Ire | World Anvil

Irorc (E-roar-k)

Irorc is the home of the Dwarven clan An Crach. Like a lot of places in Eldre it is a cold place, the coldest. Irorc's elevation is higher than any other town in Eldre. Being so isolated the town has not experienced much war, the clan as a whole has been pretty secluded when it comes to war, making it the safest place to be when blood starts spilling.   There is a great temple in Irorc dedicated to the Great Dragons. It is carved right into the mountains, it is one large and vast room, great stone carvings of dragons decorate the room The dwarves pray here and leave offerings in the hopes that the dragon Valinor will come and give them a hot, sunny summer. When the cold gets to be its worst many believe Valinor is angry with them, letting them freeze. The temple is one of the greatest wonders of the world.

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