King Jormvic Character in Ire | World Anvil

King Jormvic

Jormvic was said to be the tallest and mightiest dwarf to ever walk the face of the earth. Born to Clan Dugna he, like many dwarves dreamed of a united race. All his people under one banner, the only difference was Jormvic had a chance.   He started his conquest not with an army nor magic. He banned together a party of four other people and himself and infiltrated Clan Skjall. He convinced the Clan to join his cause, one down six more to go. The chieftain of his clan protested Jormvic's plans and tried to have him killed. Jormvic's party of five returned home and killed the chieftain, setting Jormvic in charge.   Jormvic's party set out to Clan Gigan next. They initially failed to persuade them, so they conquered them instead. Clan Gigan held out in their mine but while they did Jormvic's forces seized the outer town and waited for the clan to come out an submit. During this time Clan Skjall went to war with Clan Karstal.   Jormvic was four clans strong now and more mighty than ever, yet some things are not meant to be. On the other side of the Iron Mountain Clans Bronloch and Torc united their forces and marched on Jormvic. Jormvic had the numbers and the position, he could have conquered the clans with ease, and yet he did not. Chief Halfdan openly challenged Jormvic, and Jormvic could not refuse. Jormvic lead his army through to the other side of the Iron Mountains and faced his foes on the open field.   They fought a great and bloody battle. Steel's song echoed across the battlefield and the grass flooded with red. Jormvic with his flaming spear was on a rampage. He impaled, cut and killed anyone he saw. He fought and fought until he grew tired. His men were all but gone and his foes still stood strong. Halfdan captured Jormvic and drowned him in the ocean.   Jormvic came closer to uniting his people than any before or after him, but it was never meant to be.
Circumstances of Death
Forcibly Drowned