King of Blood

The winds were hideous, the snow slashed and beat my face as she walked me across the stone crossing. My people never were good with the cold. I would have fought back but my wound was still too great. The snow in front of me began to clear, and what I saw intimidated even me. A castle. Its stone was pale black and all its windows were covered up. It had more than a dozen narrow towers reaching into the grey sky. It had worn down bridges, the same color as the rest of the castle, connecting some of the towers hanging over the chasm below. The gate was ice cold pig steel and the door was a pale red with silver trimming. Looking at that castle was like looking at death itself. She opened the door and pushed me inside. The indoors were just as cold as the storm outside. As I stood up I looked down at a room full of “people” from a small balcony. She walked me down the stairs and into the dining room. The tables were blood stained and the guests were feeding on hearts, livers and more. The guests all looked at me with hatred and hunger as I walked down the white rug. She thrust me to my knees in front of great stone steps. I looked up and beheld the reaper facing me. He sat on his cracked throne. His hair was black and stringy, his skin a rotting grey. His eyes were to grey, as if the color had been sucked right out of them. He had on black lipstick and fitted black robes. He put down his chalice and smiled, if you can even call it that.   “Lilith, who have you brought me? A Nathair, I have not tasted one of their kind in a long time.”   The woman bowed her head and hosted me to my feet. “I am sure he would make a good meal father, but you might want to consider keeping this one alive.”   “He should have already been killed or turned before you brought him here. No living are allowed here. Why should I spare the snake?   “This is not just a snake. He is a demon. This is Essus the Demon Snake of the Nathair, and he is yours father.” Lilith stepped away from me and turned away, flipping her gorgeous black hair. I would have hated her more but she was beautiful as captors go.   The reaper smiled once more and rose from his seat. He walked down the steps slowly, his smile grew with every step. He grabbed my chin and looked at my neck. His hands were ice, with no pulse. His nails were long and jagged and his breath was rank and his teeth were crusted with blood. “The Demon Snake.” he said “The tales I have heard about you. Now I am torn, do I taste you to see if your blood is as vile as they say, or do I make you one of my own; bringing your power into my court? Now now, don’t grimace. I don’t often consider turning people. What would you prefer little one?”   I spat on his shoulder. “I want you to give me my sword, then I can prove whether the tales are truthful.   He flicked his wrist and sent me tumbling to the hard ground. He grabbed me by my neck and held me in the air. His grey eyes turned to an illuminating orange and black veins began to show on his face. Lilith stepped up from the table.   “Father don’t! We could use him!”   He acted as if he didn’t hear the woman. “You would challenge me, little worm! I am Mordred the Cruel, Lord of the Court and crusher of the weak! You could have a thousand swords and none would cut me!”   “I don't need a thousand, I just need one.” I said, gasping for air.   He bore his fangs and cracked his neck. His hand shook and he dropped me back down. He turned away from me for a moment and faced me once more. His whole court had stopped eating, they were expecting a show. His eyes turned to grey once more and his veins disappeared “My sweet daughter wants you to live, and so as the good father that I am I shall oblige. Lilly, you think he is useful?”   The woman nodded.   “Then he will prove it. Lilith, you will go to The Vale. It is time we deal with that issue, and you worm will accompany her, helping her.   A pale lad came and cut my bindings. “Fine, but I need my sword.” I said   “Lilith will hold onto your blade, you will not touch it!”   “I can’t heal my wound without it. I can’t help her as a corpse!”   He smirked, “Get well soon.”   Lilith approached me, I forced myself to not look at her chest, not the time to admire beauty. “Are you ready Essus?” I ignored her and turned back to Mordred. “Why The Vale? What exactly are we doing? The beast swaggered back to his throne. “An ex-member of the court is causing trouble. You two will bring him the justice he deserves.” *********************************************************************************************************************** It took a day but finally we reached the base of the mountain. Dawn began to peak over the fields and Lilith groaned.   “Shouldn’t you hide?” I asked   “Sunlight doesn’t kill vampires, someone made that up. It just makes us weak and on bad days gives us a headache.” She reached to her side and pulled out an object wrapped in cloth, I’d recognize that shape anywhere. She unfolded it and showed me my sword. The binding mark glew that faint green as she put it in front of me. “Like you said, a corpse can’t help me. The guy we are up against is no joke, I need you at your best.”   I ran my fingers across the blade’s surface, it had been too long. “You trust me with this? Who’s to say I don’t kill you the moment I grab the handle?”   “If we face Yvan and you don’t have the sword I’ll die anyways. Call it a calculated risk.”   I was shocked at her trust in me. I grabbed the blade and felt that sweet power flow into me. The mark and my eyes glowed. I could feel my wound closing itself and all my aches disappeared. I looked Lilith in the eyes then. I wanted to kill her, to drive the sword into her neck, but I couldn’t. Her haunting violet eyes glistened in the dawn’s light, and I was frozen, I couldn’t kill her. “Thank you.” I said quietly   “Let’s get going. It’ll be a week before we reach Yvan’s lair.”   We pushed forward into the golden fields. It had been so long since I had last been in Rainhold, I forgot how beautiful it was. Wild horses were grazing in the distance and the cool morning breeze wrapped around us. I may have been born in the sands but I always have had a love for the Human country. “Yvan, who Is he?” I asked. “I need to know who it is I am killing.”   “He was once a member of the court, like most of the court he wanted my father’s throne, but unlike most he acted on it. He attacked my father directly but was badly beaten. Before he escaped he vowed to bring the darkness upon the castle and send my father to the deepest reaches of the underworld, entitled prat.”   I laughed, “Prat or not you seem to fear him. Your father must if he thinks you need help.”   “He might be full of himself but he is no joke. Yvan is a High Vampire, as is my father. That’s the only reason Yvan wasn’t able to kill him.”   “And you?” “I am not. If I tried to face Yvan alone he would kill me, which is not easy.”   I stared into the blue sky. “My friend’s father killed a High Vampire once. I was always jealous but now it seems I get to do the same."   Lilith stopped in her tracks and glared at me. “Only one High Vampire has died recently, no it can’t be. Who did he kill?”   I was confused at her reaction. Anger I expected but she seemed shaken. “Vlad I think his name was.”   She put her hand to her mouth, if she wasn’t a vampire she probably would have gone pale. “You're friends with Filavandrel’s son?”   I nodded   “Filavandrel tore into our castle with his dragon and slayed our lord, Vlad the Eternal”   “Great, you’re going to kill me now.” I said rolling my eyes         To my surprise Lilith began laughing. “I certainly didn’t enjoy the damages to the castle but Vlad’s death is the reason my father holds the throne. Filavandrel may have hated us but I owe a lot to him.” She wiped her eyes and began walking once again. “Small world.” said said *****************************************************************************************************************     Essus is a vulgar, vile being. He is sure of himself and he has a lust for power, yet he still has a way of being charming. That was his and mine saving grace as we traveled. I had only heard tales of his accomplishments. I imagined they were embellished, like so many tales, but I was wrong   The sun assaulted us as we reached the top of the rock face. I pointed out into the meadow below us. “There, just past the river is a cave. That’s where the coven is hiding. Give it another day and we’ll be there.”   Essus looked out in silence. His green scales shone in the sun. It was mesmerizing, his yellow eyes were brighter than the sun, it was like they were filled with fire. I was too busy looking at him to see the danger coming. A bolt pierced my leg and I fell to the ground. I was shocked, normally this kind of thing didn’t bother me, but something was wrong, I began to feel sick. Essus drew his sword and leaned over me.   “Lilith! Are you okay?”   “I don’t..something is wrong.”   A man climbed onto the large stone with us. He drew a wavy sword, it looked freshly oiled. Essus rose to meet the man, both had their swords ready. “Step aside snake. I only need her.” The man said   Essus gripped his sword hard. His eyes began to glow and they became misty. His light green scales darkened to the color of pine. His voice was distorted, I didn’t even recognize it. “No,” he grumbled.   “My contract doesn't say anything about you. Step aside last warning!”   “A Black Dagger...Who paid you to kill her!” His voice echoed across the meadow.   The man sighed and rolled his shoulders, his black steel armor clinked and he raised his blade. The monster hunter swung his blade! Essus cut through the man’s steel sword with a single swing. The man dropped his half sword and backed up, he was on the edge of the rock now. Essus grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close. Venom dripped from his mouth onto the man’s face. It burned his flesh and he screamed, oh how he screamed.     “WHO!?” Essus demanded.   The man began panting. His armor clinked as he shook. “He didn’t give a name I swear!"   Essus grinned, his sharp teeth glistened as the venom dripped down them. His serpent tongue caressed the hunter's face. “Wrong answer.” He bit into the man’s face and tore a chunk out of it. The man wailed and rolled around in agony. Essus kicked in his chest and buried his sword into the man’s neck, smiling the whole time. When the hunter stopped convulsing Essus took a note out of his satchel and kicked him off the rock. Essus sheathed his sword and he returned to normal. He ran over to check on me.   “Lilith, can you stand?”   “No I, I, no” I whimpered. It was pathetic but it was all I could muster.   He reached into his bag and handed me a glass bottle full of red liquid. “Drink this.”   Not being able to argue I consumed the liquid, it tasted vile but my fever started to lessen, but I was still weak. He held me in his arms the rest of the day. I dozed in and out but he never left my side. Once the moon rose I felt like myself again. I got to my feet as quickly as I could. I said nothing, neither of us did. What was there to be said?   We looked out into the meadow as the moon rose higher. We knew what came next ******************************************************************************************************************* The two stood under the cave now. The lair was high in the cliff side. Lilith pulled Essus aside and finally told him her plan.   “I can’t go in.” she said.   “What? What the fuck I am supposed to do?”   “Let me finish. I can’t go in first. Yvan will recognize me and kill me on the spot, but if you go in first and distract him then I can sneak in and finish the job.”   “Distract him! What do you want me to do, put on a skirt and dance for him?!”   “Stop being dramatic! Yvan has a huge ego, all you need to do is get him talking about himself.”   “Graa, fine.” “There is one more thing. If you go in like you are, he will kill you before you can speak.”   Essus’s eyes grew wide and he rolled his head.   “Yvan won’t let anyone who isn’t a vampire enter.”   Essus dropped his sword and grew wild. “No, no! Not a chance.” Lilith’s tone grew soft then. “I know, but it's our only chance. If you want to kill him you have to become one of us.”   “And if I refuse?”   “Then I will let you go home. I’ll tell my father Yvan killed you and I couldn’t beat him. It’s your choice Essus.” she said, taking Essus’s hand in hers.   The serpent rubbed his eyes and sighed. He melted in her grasp. “If I have to, then I am glad it’s you.” He closed his eyes and breathed deep.   A tear rolled down Lilith’s face and she leaned in close. “Thank you.” She whispered as she bit into his neck.   Lilith stayed by Essus’ side for the night and next day while he slept. Once night came again he woke his eyes had changed, now a mix of the normal yellow and orange. He levitated onto his feet and shook his whole body.   “How do you feel?” Lilith asked, grabbing his shoulder.   “Strong.” He stuck his hand out and his blade flew into his hand. He smirked, “That’s new.” He turned to face his companion, “I’m ready.” *************************************************************************************************************************** The cave was pitch black. It was as cold as three winters, luckily his new power allowed Essus to see the room clearly. Yvan was waiting atop a crude stone he called a throne. His armor was crimson red, his cape blood red. He wore a gold diadem with small horns around his long black and silver hair. His face was withered and partly hidden by a scraggly beard. He held a silver sword in his hand, it gleamed like the moon.   Essus took a slight bow. “Lord Yvan, It is a pleasure to finally meet you.”   The Lord’s eyes narrowed. “Who are you to enter my abode snake?” Even his voice was withered and raspy.   “My name, is Essus of the Toxicus Tribe my Lord. Can you not tell what I am?”   “Hm, I can.”   “My power is great my Lord, but it could be greater. I am in search of a teacher. I have searched long, and all my leads have told me of you. How you challenged the vile Mordred, how you made him bleed.”   The beast smiled. “It is all true, but I do not give lessons.”   “And I don’t seek them. I seek someone powerful, someone great to serve. Alone my power is limited, but under the wing of Lord Yvan the cunning, the vengeful, the King of Blood.”   Yes… The King of Blood.” Yvan smiled bigger. “You are wise Essus of the Toxicus, very wise indeed. I will take you into my coven. Together the two of us will be unstoppable!”   Essus fake coughed, “I think you mean the three of us.”   Yvan’s eyes grew wide, but it was too late. The same bolt that piece Lilith’s leg was now in his back. The beast rolled over in pain. He squealed and a dozen eyes on the ceiling opened. A horde of vampires dropped down and began slashing with their claws. Essus pulled out his sword and turned into the Demon once more, now with extra power.     The Demon Snake whipped around the room faster than any eye could track, slashing and hacking! The beasts swarmed Lilith, she beat them off with her bare fists! They swarmed Essus and piled onto him. Biting and slashing, there were so many of them you couldn’t see the Nathair! A green light brewed under the pile the beasts were blown back into the cave walls! They scrambled up and rushed once more. The sword’s bind mark glowed, Essus swung the blade in front of him. A lime, ghostly light shot forth and cut the vampires in half! They fell dead before they even got close.   Essus wiped the blood of his blade and joined Lilith around Yvan. The Lord rolled over onto his back, writhing in pain. Lilith picked him up by his hair with one hand and held him in front of Essus. The two nodded and the snake drove his sword into Yvan. It blew him apart from the inside out, his chunks flew across the room, congealed blood covered everything.   “He’s dead?” Essus asked.   Lilith nodded, “As dead as he can be. ************************************************************************************************ The two vampires sat on the edge of the cave side. The moon was full that night and the stars shone bright. The meadow grass below danced gracefully. Lilith pulled back her hair and sighed. “Essus?”   “Hm?”   “Thank you, for, well.”   “I know.” he said, scooching in a little closer. “What will we do now?”   “I have to go back to my father and tell him the deed is done, but you, I won’t hold you captive. You have a life, you should live it.”   The night’s light gleamed in Essus’s eyes and he almost looked sad. “You’re right. I have more places to go, more things to see, but. Experiences mean nothing if there is no one to share them with.” he said, grabbing Lilith’s hand.   Her violet eyes grew wide. “What are you saying?”   “Let’s go back to Mordred together. After that, I want you to come with me. I have more work to do in The Vale, and I want you there with me Lilith. If you want to.”   Lilith’s skin gained a little more color then. “It’s not that I don't, but I can’t do that normal lifestyle.”   Essus grinned, not with anger or bravado, but with joy. “Who needs normal?”   The two pondered into each other’s eyes, his amber eyes into her amethyst eyes. She nodded and the two huddled together on the cliff side. A comet raced above in the sky and the two held each other for as long as they could.