Kings of Old

Alfred grew nervous. Thoughts rushed through his head as his uncle walked him through the hall. His uncle said nothing the whole time. The only sound to focus on was the sound of footsteps bouncing across the stone walls. Once they reached the end of the hall the walked down the dark stairs, then they reached a door. This was an old door. The paint was cracking and the wood warped, the wood smelled of must. Uncle Winston finally said something. "What do you know about our family?"   "Quite a lot, I live with them." Alfred replied   "What about our ancestors, their history?"   "Guessing by your tone, not much"   "You will need to know. If you want to know what kind of king you want to be you need to know who you don't want to be" Winston said opening the door. The room on the other side was huge and cold. A great chandelier lit up the room. Along the room's walls were pictures of the long dead. Under the pictures were the deceased's favorite things. Winston grabbed Alfred by the shoulder and brought him to one of the paintings. The man in the painting was old and proud, and looked just like Alfred's father.   "Let's start here." Winston said.   "I know about my grandfather." Alfred scoffed.   "Humor me my lord. My father, King Titus the First, won the Great War against all odds. He ended the slughter of No Air's Land, and lead a siege agasint the Elven Capital. The Emperor's army had out out numbered, and out classes, but Titus led men to victory and the taxes he placed on the Elves brought the crown out of debt.   "He can't take credit for any of that." Alfred said. It was Filavandrel who broke through No Air's Land, who beat Reshire's forces at the Redwood, and the siege was a failure."   "Your'e not wrong, but in 300 years who do you think will be remebered? Filavandrel's name will slip into fable like all heros, but the crown--our blood will live on, and the people will hail Titus."   "Like I said, I know the stories. Why did you bring me here uncle?"   "Just wait, once we are done you will have your answer." Winston brought Alfred to the next painting. One of a beautiful, small woman with white hair. "Queen Crystal." he said "The first and only ruling Queen of The Vale. Her father King Silus-The Weak lost The Vale to the Nathair. Crystal grew up the heir to nothing. It would have been a safe bet for her to stay in the Golden Lands. To build a new start with her people, a safe start. Yet the bear does not rest when her young are in danger. She rallied the shatered remains of her father's kingdom, alonside Filavandrel, and took back The Vale and her crown, finally bringing The Vale and The Desert to peaceful terms."   "I wouldn't say peaceful" Alfred said "Filavandrel, and his dragon reduced towns into nothing and ripped people apart limb from limb. Crystal earned the name-The White Bear with Bloody Teeth for her agression."   "they did, but had they not the Realm would be lost, and our dynasty would be dead. Before The Vale was lost, before she slaughtered them Man and Nathair had done nothing but fight and murder. It was only after her cleansing that peace and trade could be established between the two countries."    The next painting was farther down and depicted a young King with dark brown hair, standing outside the city.   "King Faron Ursain, second son to Arin Ursain. His brother Prince Rolant was heir to the Valian throne, but Faron hated his brother, he believed Rolant to be mad, and believed if his brother became King the Vale would surely suffer. Through coin and whispers Faron gained support from other lords and ladies of the court. Eventually his father learned of his treachery and banished him from Xares, but Faron only used this to his advantage. He went to every hold to gain supporters, he planted the seeds of doubt in the Ealdorman's heads, some of these seeds grew and some didn't. However during his banishment his father caught the Root and died. Rolant ascended to the throne."   Faron would not let this stand so he lead his new supporters to Xares. Where he declared himself the Rightful King, and commanded his brother to bend the knee.  The conflict that followed was named The Battle of The Bears and was the start to the Kodiak War. Rolant had more men, and better men. Most oft when the two forces met on the open field it was not Faron who won, but he kept whispering and aid of the Locklins he ambushed the city and took the throne."   "He had no right," Alfred spoke up, "By the laws of men and god his brother was to be King."   "Second sons are often consumed by ambition," he said dragging Alfred.   "King Horrin. The Dark One killed his father, and so in a act of hatred covered up by rage sanctioned the killing of thousands. Husbands, fathers, little boys, he had them all killed. His advisors counseled him against it, even the Knights of 13 counseled him against it, and yet he had them killed anyway. When the mages in the city rebelled he had them all killed as well. In his rage he failed to notice the assassin who had found their way into his chamber. After he was killed his son immediately put and end to his father's quest."   "Uncle you know we arn't allowed to talk about, it," Alfred said in a hushed tone."   Winston was stern, "Like it or not this dyntasty is iterwined with the Dark One. Not talking about it only hurts us in the long. It's that mystery that led Horrin to butcher boys. For no one who anything of the Dark One. So he sent his anger somewhere else."   The next painting was just next to the last. It was of an old and proud man. With a long white beard. "King Farsfirus the Elder." Winston said taking a breath. "The oldest living king the Vale has ever had. He ruled from 1032-1111. When he ascended the throne the Kingdom was in turmoil. The new order was still fresh and the children of the men his grandsire had killed were now of age. He lead the campaign against the Giants, and slaughted them when they attacked human settlements."   "But it was Jack that killed them." Alfred added   "It was; Farsfirus that made him a knight apon doing so. Jack was a sword Farsfirus wanted to wield rather than face, but the Old King made a blunder. Sir Jack betrayed him, and his brother Knights. He joined with the forces of evil when they marched for Xares, and butchered his own family. The King's trust in Jack would be the very thing to lead him to ruin. Now then" Winston said turning to Alfred. "What is the lesson in all this?"   Alfred stopped for a moment. He looked at the portraits around him. "Allies" he said "A good king knows who to trust and who not to."   "Indeed, but not the whole lesson" Winston said giving a half smile. "Our blood has sat on that chair for over a thousand years, and its remained that way because of fear. A King must be wise yet, but also know force, and command respect.   Alfred moved to the last painting in the room, on the other side of where they had started. The person in this portrait was more than a man, he was a warrior. He wore a bearskin cloak and bore a large shield on his back. His long black hair draped over his broad shoulders. Alfred grabbed the axe sitting below the painting and stared at his reflection in the metal. "Why must it remain that way?" he asked   "Because its been the only way."   "Not when I'm King. The Realm is built on more than just betrayl and bones."    "I fear, my Prince, you will know a time of war unlike anything of the past."   Alfred stopped for a moment, and walked around. Looking up at the candles he asked, "Do you think my father is a good King."   Winston looked to the painting of the warrior, "He is our King," he sighed.