Kraven Murdock

(a.k.a. Bloodhound)

Kraven was born in the village of Alesworth to a hunter and an alchemist. He had a great life growing up, it was simple but his father would always take him along on hunts and he would spends days with his mother working on new tonics. On his 14th birthday it was announced that he would be wed to his childhood friend, Mary--the smith's daughter. They were to be wed in one year; alas it would never be, for magic had come to take its due.   Unknown to him at the time, Kraven's mother had become consumed by the quest to make the Elixir of Immortality. All of the mixtures and ingredients Kraven had been helping with were to make the Elixir. She had intended to gift the Elixir to her son and his wife on their wedding day, but as the day drew closer his mother became more despeate. She had heard of a powerful immortal wizard from gossip. It was surley a wive's tale but she had to try. The week before the wedding she wandered into the Jornwood at midnight to summon the wizard, and there she met him. The impish wizard proposed a deal, quid pro quo. He would gift her immortality, in turn she had to give up what she loved most. The mother surley thought this would be her husband and so the deal was struck.   September 5th, The day of the wedding and Kraven's 15th birthday started out beautiful. The whole of Alesworth had joined in the celebration and the village was decorated in bright banners and an aray of flowers. The gifts were plentiful--his father-inlaw gifted him a gleaming longsword. Finally the time had come. As Mary joined Kraven at the altar a murder of crows burst out of the ground and began swarming the guests. From the hole in the ground the wizard crawled like a spider. He declared he had come to take what was owed. Kraven's mother threw her husband before the Imp without hesitation, but it was not the hunter he wanted. He snapped his fingers and Mary burst into flames! "What you love most, that was our deal," stated the imp. "This sad man isn't what you love, It's power, and with her dies you chance at it. However I am not a cruel man. You'll have you're immortality, because no one is gonna forget this," he muttered a curse and the wedding guest began hacking and coughing up blood. Their skin turned purple and their eyes near bursting out of their sockets. The wizard giggled and vanished in a cloud of smoke.   Surrounded by blood and beytral Kraven turned to his mother. She fell onto her knees begging her son to forigve her, she didn't know she claimed. The boy picked up his longsword and approched his mother. She couldn't even speak now she was bawling so much. He lifted her head up and put the blade to her heart. "For Mary," he whisperd as he pushed foward slowly. He picked his father back up and the two left the ghost town for good. They would later move to Wolden and try to move on but Kraven never good. When he was 19 he left his father in the night to join the Witch Hunters. He couldn't undo the past, he knew that, but maybe he could prevent it from becoming the future.

Mental characteristics


Since joing up with the Witch Hunter Kraven has risen through the ranks. When he bested Eron Thron(the leader of the hunters) he became the new leader. Unlike his hunters Kraven never burns mages. He belives fire is to quick and good for mages. Instead he prefers to hang them-watching them die slowly.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Allowed Essus the Demon Snake to escape custody
Short, shaved sides & brown
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Magic always comes with a price."