Matters of Peace

Relief finally found the cavernous room as Baldwin Gray walked through the door, he was always the last one to arrive, but now the meeting could begin. Francois the half-elf stood up as Baldwin took his seat at the round table. He unfurled a scroll, “Good we are all here. I would like to jump in straight away as we have much to discuss.”   “The King is not here,” Bayard said, his tone as cold as his steel armor. “Where is our nephew?”   “Alas the King had “other” matters to attend to.   Father Eadburt scoffed, “How many times does that make now? Our good King just can’t stay away from sin.”   “Watch your mouth father,” Bayard grumbled.”   “I assure you the King is dealing with matters relating to the War. So let us go on without him,” Francois said, running his fingers through his white hair. “Now to start, Sir Lorian the Queen wishes to know how your search for the Prince goes.”   The old Knight looked to the ground, “ The last time Alexander was seen he was leading a force against the Bullk strong-hold Duran Sha. His soldiers were captured and sold of to other Bullk Lords as slaves. My knights have been searching for the lord our Prince was sold to, but Ashgaurd is vast and my men are too few. Perhaps Prince Bayard if you could give some of your men to the effort?”   “I wish I could, Sir Lorian,” The Commander replied, “but I can’t stretch it. My soldiers' are needed to fight back the grey-skins, and if matters weren’t already bad now the Elves have withdrawn their army and cut off communication from us. What of our army is still here needs to stand ready should we go to war with Tir Orail.”   Winston scratched his face, “We can’t afford another Great War. The coffers drain out more and more everyday.”   The fair skinned sorceress Susanna spoke up, “They’ve been draining for a while now my Lord, and you still have no way to remedy this?”   Winston smirked, “Oh but I do. Francois, how long has the Order of Valor been taking residence in Xares?”   “Since your father welcomed them in 2070 your grace,” the half-elf replied. “Well I’ve been digging through papers and it seems that the Order has never paid tax for their keep. Why is that?”   Master of Ships, Farman Parker spoke up, “They provide an extremely important position, one that no one else can fill! Without them, who will protect us from the dragons?” Susanna scorned the Shipmaster, “ We lived in peace with dragons for centuries before the Order. It wasn’t until they were being hunted that they retaliated.”   “Peace, is that how you see it? Oh yes they filled our world and great warriors even rode them!” Farman mocked. “One of them leveled towns, decimated armies and brought the world to heel.”   “That dragon is the only reason we’re here today, sitting beneath this horrid chandelier Parker.”   “Enough,” Winston interrupted. “I’m not talking about dead heroes. I’m saying they are sitting on a small fortune of uncollected tax. One that would help the war efforts greatly.   The group sat in silence and contemplated the idea. It was then put up to a vote, seven for yes and two for no. **************************************************************************************************************************** “Now then, Melisandra, I believe you have something?” Fracnois asked, taking a sip of red wine.   “I do,” the raven-haired spy master said, pulling out three papers. “One from the Southern Isles, one from Eldre, and one from the Black Daggers. Pick your poison.”   “What the hell do the Daggers want?” Bayard asked.   “It’s from the master of Ger Hold. He examined a new specimen of monster that he’s never seen. He claims it was man made using mutagenic alchemy. Supposedly it took five hunters to bring down the beast.”   “Lab born monsters, please,” Father Eadburt laughed. “Monsters are born of the Dark God, not men. The Daggers are as mad as they are greedy.”   “It’s not as impossible as you think Father,” Susanna warned. “Humanity has birthed monsters before. Latchabos, Vampires, and Draugr are all forcefully made.”   “Blasphemy,” Eadburt whispered.     “What knews from the Isles?” Baldwin asked, trying to change the subject.   Melisandra smirked, “It seems like our friend Leif Skjall is getting stronger. A fortnight ago he blasted through Mount Gaol Ròs and sacked Clan Karstal for what they’re worth”   “His power increases,” Lorian said, scratching his grey beard. “The dwarf could be dangerous if left unchecked.”   “And who is going to check him?” Winston asked. “He is a Dwarven Lord, any action we make to null him could start a war.”   “Riderson.”   “You’re joking, really? Yes, let's call upon a pagan outlaw to help. It's outrageous.   “I agree, Father Eadburt added.   “We called upon his father, many a time,” Lorian defended.   “He is not his father, '' Winston sneered.       Melisandra clapped her hands together, “A wonderful segway. It seems an army is gathering on the Isles, and they are gathering at Alton.”   “I knew this day would come,” Bayard said, slamming his hand on the table. “I warned everyone; I warned my Nephew--Blood Feuds don’t just die, and still he pardoned him. Now he will march on Greenhaven and butcher thousands!”   “Calm down Bayard,” said Susanna.   “I will not be calm! I will not sit idly by while a maniac burns towns and slaughters the people I am meant to protect! I will march to meet Riderson and I will bring him to justice! Pardon or not he is too dangerous to keep alive! Who is with me?”   Lord Parker rose, “I am.”   Father Eadburt rose, I am as well. The holy warriors of the Church will ride with you my Prince.”   Lord Baldwin Gray stood up, “Riderson needs to be stopped. We need to show that the law still holds in The Vale.”   Sir Lorian shuffled up, “I had hope for the boy but if he means to lead an army into The Vale then the Knights of 13 will ride as well.”   Bayard grinned, “That's majority, the chains The dragon forged will be broken!”   Susanna rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers. Suddenly the court all fell asleep. She slowly got up from her seat and fixed her long hair. She picked up the missive from the Isles and ripped it apart. She waved her hand in the air and a gentle purple mist fell over the court. “The Queen has asked me to keep Riderson alive. So when you wake you will forget all hatred and fear for the pagan. You will not lead an army to face him and you will tell the King nothing.” She snapped her fingers again and everyone jolted awake.   “Uh, what were we discussing?” Bayard asked groggily.   Susanna smiled, “Matters of Peace my Lord.”