Nachi Forest-The Woods of Nachi Geographic Location in Ire | World Anvil

Nachi Forest-The Woods of Nachi

Rumor has it the magic that has taken hold of the forest is the magic of the ents. They say ents put the spell over the forest to keep people from destroying it.
Nachi woods lies within elven land and is dense with plants and magic alike. It is also referred to as the infinite green, as there is no end to it. This forest very much as a beginning but once you enter you will soon find out it has no end. The elves avoid this forest at all cost as they believe strange and powerful magic lies within it. No one can confirm this though because no one that has entered the Woods of Nachi have ever come back out. Yet despite this fact there are still people who enter. Those who do seem not to be in their right mind almost like they have been possessed. I wish I could tell you more but quite frankly that place terrifies me. I don't want to be anywhere near it.

Articles under Nachi Forest-The Woods of Nachi