Nettle Wolves Species in Ire | World Anvil

Nettle Wolves

A nettle wolf is a large creature. A full grown nettle wolf stands at around five feet tall and They are brown in color. They make their homes in woodlands and mountains. Unlike normal wolves nettle wolves hunt in small groups of around 2-3 instead of a whole pack. They also have a sharp quills instead of fur. they release these quills in a spraying attack that impales their target. These quills are not only weapons but a strong armor for the nettle wolf, it can deflect arrows with ease however, an attack from closer up is more likely to breakthrough. Good like pulling this off however because if the nettle wolf's quills don't get you they have teeth and claws plenty So if you hear howling in the woods you better hope it is a normal wolf   “Now at first glance the Nettle Wolf seems difficult to slay due to their immensely strong quills, but those same quills are very flammable. If set alight the Nettle Wolf’s weapon and defense will burn away, making it as easy to kill as any animal. Same as the other Tier 1 Monsters, you will find contracts on Nettle Wolves most frequently. They don’t pay as well but you stand a better chance of coming back alive."-Changing Fate
Scientific Name