Reavers Organization in Ire | World Anvil


Reavers are tribes of dwarves who for one reason or another banished from society and now live in these tribe and hunt along passes and roads. They ambush people, and eat them. If they kill you before eating you than you are one of the lucky ones. They most often hunt along Shiver Pass, the road connecting the mountains of Eldre and The Vale.   "A shrill shriek pierced through the cold, four small fires could be seen drawing closer. Faron raised his hand up, his arms shaking. Gallius stepped behind the other two. The light came closer, four torches, with Dwarves holding them.     These Dwarves were not normal, their appearance was sickening. They wore bloodstained hide, their arms were covered in scratches, like those of a person. They dawned necklaces made from finger bones and brandished knives, with dried innards caked onto the blades.   They said nothing as they drew closer, they only smiled. Their grins reached ear to ear, their yellow teeth had been sharpened to points. They started to jostle each other around, giggling and squirming, suddenly they stopped. They all looked at each other and in an instant began running at the adventurers!"-Ballad of The Bard
Illicit, Other