Remnants Species in Ire | World Anvil


A Remnant is created when an innocent person put through an exorcism. Their soul will go restless and the victim will start thrashing around temporarily gaining immense strength. Their skin will turn grey and mushy, some flesh will start to fall off of them revealing their organs, puss filled boils will pop up all over the body, their hair will fall out and their breath will turn sour. Once a Remnant has turned it retains some of its old intelligence. It can not speak or feel but Remnants have been reported to pick up and use tools and weapons.   Remnants are picky eaters, they will only eat human and dwarf organs. They will however kill anybody  they see, just not eat everything. You can kill a Remnant by attacking it head or, alternatively you can cure one. If the person that performed the exorcism is eaten by the Remnant the monster will transform back into its old self. Despite there being a way it is hard to execute.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

A Remnant will only consume Dwarves and Humans, and they prefer the lungs above the rest.
Scientific Name
Discovered by